Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 9, 1 September 1992 — OHA Kupuna conference set for October 23 - 24 [ARTICLE]
OHA Kupuna conference set for October 23 - 24
Kupuna are the rightful transmitters of the Hawaiian culture, and OHA's fiflh-annual kupuna conference will provide an opp)ortunity for kupuna to eome together to reaffirm their beliefs and to share, says Betty Ellis Jenkins, kupuna alaka'i. This year's ' Aha Kupuna is scheduled for Oct. 2324 at the Princess Ka'iulani Hotel in Waikiki.
Because this is the Year of the Family, the theme of the conference will be the 'ohana and its traditional Hawaiian values, Jenkins added. The conference's title is "Ka 'Ohana — He Makana a Ke Akua," or "The Family — A Gift of God." An assemblage of interesting speakers has been gathered from across the state to address the conference's various ku'ikahi mana'o (workshops). "All of the topics have a spiritual/cultural link to the family," in keeping with the conference's theme, Jenkins said.
I nere will be talks on the Kamehameha dynasty, genealogy and the importance of knowing one's roots and family connections, 'aumakua or family gods, the 'ohana shared by the residents of Kalaupapa, oral history, Hawaiian language immersion , and more. On Saturday, Oct. 24 three kupuna will be recognized as "living treasures" during an awards dinner. One outstanding kupuna eaeh is selected by the 'aha participants, the OHA Board of Trustees, and OHA's Kupuna Program Committee. The applieahon deadline is Oct. 1. For more information, eall Jenkins at 637-9118, Kupuna Kako'o Anne Inaina Kaapana at 261-0974, or the OHA Education Division at 586-3777.