Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1992 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
,VHERITAGE Bank of Hawaii is happy to jj sponsor the Heritage Series, an exploration of the varied cultural I heritageofHawaiianditspeople. programs. They deal with subjects from volcanoes and the taro industry, to Hawaiian family aumakuas, the B fabled beach boys of the old Moana m\ Hotel, and early Radio Days in Hawaii. ^^^^^mmmmmmmm/^^^^^^^^^iĒM i 12:30 p.m. on the last Sunday of every ^ mjĒ \ month. Just tune in to KCCN Radio, 1 1420/AM. If you miss Sunday's program, "W- ^ \ j don't worry. You ean catch the rebroad- V. ^^—mmmmmmmmrnm00*f^ cast on Wednesday evening, 7:00 p.m., | 10 days after the original broadcast. /Jk ^ ĒĒ We sincerely hope you like these / Jk - programs. Aloha. / \
1 1 / 111 1 M u ! ih Bankof Hawaii I W V \ HAWAII'5 BANK /» |>| \ .JĒF\ \ \ I MEMBER FDIC ^ 3|||§|k; ' l1!/; &£■> \ m nA % WKSBL Wm -i. m Wk \ ' m \ mmMI _ . V lll 4VWP J