Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1992 — Our appreciation and thanks [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Our appreciation and thanks
by Rev. Moses Keale Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i
The fifth 'Aha 'Opio is history and it truly was a great experience for all. It is extremely difficult for anyone not directly involved in this program to fully comprehend the long-term impact of what happens at this youth leadership program. It is by far the best, most posi-
tive "hands on" program that OHA offers. More than 100 high school students, parents, counselors, staff, members of the various Hawaiian royal orders and organizations and kupuna gathered at St. Andrew's Cathedral to celebrate the opening of the 'Aha 'Opio O OHA June 22. It was not a religious ceremony but rather a spiritual eele-
bration. Ninety-seven strangers gathered that day with individual needs, ideas and backgrounds. The eommon thread binding this whole fabric together was Hawaiian spirituality. By Friday when we gathered again in the beautiful Cathedral, we were of one body. one mind, one spirit. The lessons were learned. The Kupuna taught us well. Our shared experiences made us whole, mentally and
spiritually. We were one 'OHANA and will always be so! This year we sent 57 young men
and women to join the more than 200 young men and women before them as leaders in our Hawaiian community. We, you and I, ean rest a bit more peacefully knowing that our Hawaiian world will be 57 times more secure than it was yesterday.
Thanking all those who helped make this program a success is the order of the day. First, let me thank the 57 young men and women for honoring us with their presence. And of course a special mahalo goes to the families of those bright participants for raising such special people and for entrusting them to us for one full week.
Thanks go out to the 1991 'Aha 'Opio leaders for their dedication to their duties. They are Gov. Luke Wong, Lt. Gov. Napua Walea. Konohiki Brittney Kapaona. Kalaimoku Kaylene Sheldon. President of the Senate U'ilani Nathaniel. Speaker Josef Dean, Sgts-at-arms Jodi Aragon, Aileen Kaaiai, Kenoalani Kamahele, Jona Oana, and Keli'i Opulauoho. And of course we
onee again thank our 'Aha 'Opio alumni from previous years — 1989 Gov. Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Kaauwai, Konohiki Victoria Maikai, and Nani Medeiros, 1990 members Charla Grube, Wade DeSa, Ikaika DeMate, Nakana'ela Nathaniel and Mehana McCracken. All of these alumni are attending college now and took time out to contribute to the program by volunteering to staff the eonference.
Finally, there is our volunteer staff who return to us eaeh year in the true spirit of dedication to excellence. Those members are five-year veterans, Kupuna Betty Jenkins, Sabra McCracken, Don and Kathy Romero and Gladys Rodenhurst. Also serving several years are Paula DeMorales, Charlene Masuhara. Anne Kaapana, Walter Kahiwa, Jr„ Kathy Keala and Puaala McElhaney. We weleome and thank our newest volunteers, Dane Maikui, Kelii Kahele. and Mr. Scott
Mosher. We hope their experiences were good ones and that their return to the program is a part of their agenda» And last and most important. we must thank the staff of the Education Division for their diligence and tireless efforts. Those individuals are Education Division Officer. Rona Rodenhurst, who founded and nur-
tured this program from the very beginning; Kaiulani Vincent, Education Specialist, who handled all the logistics and kept our spirits high and the time pleasant; Michael-Lynn Hirahara, the menehune behind the scenes; Barbara Yuen, the conference secretary; and very special thanks to
two OHA staff members who took vacation so that they could be with us, Tane Wailehua and Merlyn Akuna, without whose help and expertise this conference would never have succeeded. Eaeh person was extremely important to the overall success of this program. Like gears in a cog, eaeh person had a function and contributed a part of the support needed to run the maehine.
Again, on behalf of myself and the Education and Culture Committee, Aunty Frenchy Desoto and Unele Tommy Kaulukukui, and all the members of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. we thank you for a job well done, and your demonstration of commitment to the young Hawaiian men and women who we shall soon entrust this wonhy Hawaiian nation. A i mana'o kekahi e lilo i po'okela i waena o 'oukou, e pono no e lilo ia i kauwa na 'oukou. Na ke Akua e malama a e alaka'i ia kakou apau.