Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1992 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ʻOhana Reunions

Kahanaoi-Pomaikai The Kahanaoi-Pomaikai 'ohana will hold its reumon Sunday, August 9 at Sand Island State Park from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Luok for the banner at the 'Ewa end near the second to the last resnoom building.) Special events will include a potluck, sharing of photos and family genealogy. A family genealogy book will be for sale. For information contact David or Jeanne Kaaa Kahanaoi at 696-4403.

Families include the descendants of Abraham Kahanaoi and Theresa Ikeole Pomaikai-Manae, Keliihananui-Makaimoku, PomaikaiLauae, David Kahanaoi and Winnie Pomaikai, also McCabe, Polani, Kaopuiki, Akona, Apiki, Barcai, Cockett, Ikeole, Keawepoepoe, Kahana, Kahoohalahala, Kauwe, Kawelau, Keliihananui, Makaimoku, Makaiohua, Naki, Palapu, Pine and many more. Hui O Zablan The annual pienie of the Zablan

family members and extended family members will be held Saturday, August 15 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Ala Moana Beach Park. pienie area number 9. A poiluek breakfast and luneh is planned. along with games and swimming for all ages. Family members are invited to eome and exchange family news, relax and meet new family members and take away with them the "proud feeling of being a true Zablan." For information eall Audrey at 621-9006 or Iris at 4554062.

Naone A family reunion for the descendants of Pilipo Naone will take plaee on Saturday, Aug. 29 at Bellows Field, O'ahu. A potluck luneh is planned. Those interested should eontact Ait Naone at 734-3839 or Jessie Cavaco at 488-6401 fordetails.

Keawe'ehu-Campbell The 'ohana Keawe'ehu-CampbeII will be having its annual reunion on Aug. 15 at Kualoa Beach Park, O'ahu starting around 9 a.m. Ovemight

camping is by permit from the State Parks and Recreation Division. Catered lu'au luneh cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children under 8. Please contact Keawe'ehu-Campbell 'Ohana, Keawe Vredenburg. 647 Kunawai Lane, Apt. 111, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817, phone 533-1959; or also eontact Kanani Donahue, 1122 Pueo St., Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816, phone 7378187. Checks should be made out to Keawe'ehu-Campbell 'Ohana. The third edition of the family genealogy will be available for purchase. Some of the families involved are: Eckart, Campbell, Kuhns, Miller, Stevens, Kawaihae, Teshima, Ahana and Landgraf.

Keopuhiwa The Keopuhiwa 'Ohana of Nanakuli, O'ahu, descendants of Joseph Punohu Keopuhiwa, Sr. and Katie, are having a family reunion on Aug. 15. The location has been changed from Poka'i Bay Beach Park

to Naupaka Beach Park in Nanakuli, ffom 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bring extra change of clothing and any usual beach/picnic supplies. Relatives of this Keopuhiwa 'ohana (or anyone who knows of these families) are asked to contact the family. It includes the descendants of Palile

Naliko Keopuhiwa, his first wife Kealiikanaole Naiwi and second wife Kapahupainakaleikoa Paki. and their children: Palila Keopuhiwa, Kaleialoha Keopuhiwa, Hanawahine Keopuhiwa, Kaai Keopuhiwa, Joseph Keopuhiwa. Kaumalani Keopuhiwa, and Johnny Keopuhiwa. Reunion coordinator Nani Keopuhiwa, her sons, daughter and grandchildren are eager to know the other Keopuhiwa families. For information contact her at 668-7268 or Kimberly at 696-7812.

Pai/Pae A reunion is planned Thursday through Sunday, Aug. 20-23 at the Lahaina Civic Center, Maui for the families of K. Pai and Kapua, Pae and Keliiaukai, Penehaka and S. Kamaka, Pa'i and Kahamu, M. Spencer and Kahulamu. Special events will include workshops on Hawaiian crafts, la'au lapa'au, genealogy and a

song contest. Contact persons are: (Hawai'i island) Papa Henry Auwae, 961-3669, (O'ahu) Aunty Ella Aleon, 847-7232 and Netty Makua, 2358480, (Maui) Darling Kaawaloa, 6611017 and John Kahaialii, 669-9614, and (Kaua'i) John Kaneholani, 8223605. For confirmation contact Darling Kaawaloa at 661-1017 on Maui.