Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 8, 1 August 1992 — OHA warms new offices with open house [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA warms new offices with open house

Guests were formally welcomed to the Office of Hawaiian Alfairs' new offices last month with an open house. The fifth floor lobby of 711 Kapi'olani Blvd. was crowded to overflowing for the blessing ceremonies conducted by Kahu Kawika Kaalakea and chanter Manu Boyd early July 17. Afterward hundreds of beneficiaries and friends were invited to tour the offices and meet with the trustees and staff who carry out OHA's mission.

OHA officially started 11 years ago with a one year appropriation of $125,000, and nine newly-elected trustees who had to build an organizational structure ffom scratch. Today OHA has programs, resources and staff to address the needs of the Hawaiian eommunity. The need is so great in so many areas and many problems of long standing cannot be corrected at onee. The task is formidable. The next decade will focus on maximizing OHA's resources for best use and on pursuing the entitlements that should accompany self-gov-ernence. With the strength of a united Hawaiian community and the kokua of all those who value justice and fairness. Hawaiians will realize their dream of self-determination. OHA exists to make it so. Photos by Harold Meheula

: — ,i — l<11 i^— Trustee Abraham Aiona ieads a group from the board room. On his right is Ellen Caringer.

From right to left: Aunties Betty Jenkins, Nalehua Knox and Anne Inalna Kaapana are a few of the kupuna who shepherd OHA's 'Aha 'Oplo, a legislative leadership program for Hawailan youth. Behind them is OHA staffer Chris Valles.

Young and old alike enjoyed the open house. Here na keiki Bronson and Alexis Hansen take in the many displays about OHA.

OHA housing officer Steve Morse is engrossed in a conversation with Linda Moriarty of the East-West Center's lnternational Visitors Program.

Trustee Moses Keale visits with kupuna Mary Ann Kalama over some delicious Hawaiian food.

Kupuna Elizabeth Ellis and Trustee Kamaki Kanahele express smiles of aloha.

Wearlng a lei and a smile, health specialist Babette Gaiang directs visltors to sign in at OHA's front desk. Traffic was brisk throughout the day.