Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1992 — "See yourselves as leaders," ʻAha ʻOpio told [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"See yourselves as leaders," ʻAha ʻOpio told

' by Pearl Leialoha Page "Hawaiian issues involve everything: social, eeonomie, heahh care, * day care. You name it, it affects Hawaiians," Rep. Jackie Young told the newest batch of Hawaiian youth legislators as they prepared to write bills for this summer session.

At the close of 'Aha 'Opio, it was apparent that these leaders of tomorrow took that advice to heart. Bills were written that addressed sewage treatment plants, alternate energy, mandatory HIV testing, education, national parks and prison reform, as well as preservation of heiau, the Hawaiian language, sovereignty and federal funding for infrastructure on Hawaiian Home Lands.

Though only given a week to pass legislation, these high school students got a taste of the legislative process, a process that Rep. Annelle Amaral described as "one of deliberate eompromise to meet the greater good for the greater community." Young recounted the days and nights of negotiations that sometimes are called for before getting "something you ean live with." Sen. Miehael Crozier urged the delegates to "use logic and eloquence, instead of arguing and feuding" in that orocess.

At the close of the session, one student official felt he now understood "how mueh hardship senators have." During a panel discussion that would begin the lawmaking session, Amaral reminded the youth delegation that it would be the last legislature to preside before the centennial

marking the loss of the Hawaiian Kingdom. "If there is anything significant to be said, you may want to use this time to get your message across," she said. "I only ask that you say it eloquently and courageously. Many of us [state legislators] who are Hawaiian will be watching you." What they saw was a consensus among these Hawaiian youngsters to use the grounds of the 'Iolani Palaee as the center for the upcoming solemn observance.

Recalling her own high school years, Rep. Young remarked that those who were leaders in high school are leaders in society today. "See yourselves as leaders," she said. "Feel what it's like to be a policy maker. "I stand here today, in the same spot that Desmund Tutu stood and spoke. I'd like to see you here."

'Aha 'Opio in action: Junior staff member Naka Nathaniel instructs delegates during a joint session.

'Aha 'Opio's mainland contingent, Alaska's Amber Smith and Pennsylvania's Sherri Calles. Photo by Sabra Kauka McCracken