Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 7, 1 July 1992 — Apply now for SFCA folk art awards [ARTICLE]
Apply now for SFCA folk art awards
Fifteen folk art apprenticeship awards will be made by the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts in FY '93.
Experienced apprentices who want to hone their skills with a master of their craft, in extensive one-on-one sessions, should contact the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, 335 Merchant St., Honolulu Hawai'i 96813 for applications. The grants are awarded in early
October and applications are usually available in late July. The SFCA apprenticeship awards are designed to stimulate the preservation of traditions important to Hawaii's multi-cultural eommunity. Recent awards, amounting to $37,450, perpetuate the folk arts of Hawai'i, Okinawa, Laos, Korea and the Philippines.
Last year, apprenticeships were granted for lauhala hat weaving, lauhala weaving, Hawaiian saddle making in Ni'ihau stvle, Hawaiian rawhide and saddlework and braiding, Hawaiian quilt design, Hawaiian chant and ceremonial practices, Hawaiian slack key and Hawaiian steel guitar, Philippine dance, Korean dance and costuming, traditional Laotian loom weaving, Laotian mouth organ and classical Okinawan music. For information, or applications, eall Lynn Martin or Estelle Enoki at 586-0302 during regular business hours.