Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 7, 1 July 1992 — Cockett [ARTICLE]

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A family reunion with the theme "Ka Manawa E Pili Ai" (A time to gather) is planned for O'ahu July 17-19 hosted by the Cockett 'ohana. Activities include an evening social, Chinese dinner, aloha poi luneheon, Hawaiian crafts, golf tournament and a tour of 'Iolani Palaee. Blacksmith Charies Cockett settled on Maui in the 1800s, and there his children were born: Joseph William, Mary, Charles, Elizabeth, George, Phoebe, Emily and Patrick. Since 1979, the Cockett family has annually renewed family ties on different islands. For family newsletter with details contact Irwin Cockett at 949-8114 or Patti Cook at 944-2750.

eoniinueā on pages 1 7 and 18

ReunionS /rom page 16

Ka'aua' and Kuahua The Ka'aua' and Kuahua 'ohana reunion will take plaee July 31 through Aug. 3 in Hilo. For more information on the Big Island, contact Nettie Hunter, 933-3678 or Mahoe Kaaukai, 966-8054. On O'ahu contact Harvey Alapa 293-2211 or Nell Ava, 293-5778. The mailing address is Ka'aua'/Kuahua 'Ohana, P.O. Box 682, Hauula, Hawai'i 96717

Kaleihopu, Paekukui, Orso, Kahalelehua The 'ohana of Ane Kaleihopu, Julia Paekukui, Elmira Orso and Philip "Sonny" Kahalelehua will have a family reunion Aug. 21-23. For details, contact Valkyrie Kahalelehua Naeole at 247-4355 or Kalani Prejean Quinlan at 5366837 or Myrtle Kahalelehua Yamane at 8410034. Makekau All members of the Makekau 'ohana are asked to register in the family directory. The Makekau 'ohana includes descendants of major branches of the family: Harriet Nahienaena Makekau Elia/Mahoe, Ramon Hoe Makekau,

Piehu Makekau Recard, Maile Akahiakuleana Makekau, David Hauola Makekau, Lele Makekau Duncan, Mima Makekau Apo, Aliee Hakaleleponi Hall, Sam Umi Makekau, Charles Kuapua Makekau, Jennie Kaaka Makekau Saffrey, Naohulelua Makekau and Abel Nakielua Makekau. Other closely related branches include Kalanikini, Maipinepine and Swinton. To register, or for information, eall Norman Nakamoto, 671-6970. Pali

The descendants of the Rev. Adam Pali and Paaoao Kila Poholopu and their children; Philip Paaoao Pali Sr., Lilia Pali, Lizzie Pali and Mary Kawahine Haole Hookiehe Pali will have an 'ohana reunion at Magic Island, Ala Moana Beach Park, Honolulu, Saturday, July 11, from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for a potluck pienie. 'Ohana members are asked to bring genealogy and pictures. There will be talk story time and entertainment. Connected 'ohana include: Andrade, Antone, Auburn, Barboza, Bright, Fairman, Goldstone, Gomes, Kakalia, Kalepa, Kalilikane, Mitchell, Pickard, Salanoa, Salvadorif, Smith, Spencer, Werner and Wong. For information contact Barbara Andrade Tachibana at 293-1618, David Pali at 6964135 or Havana McLafferty at 949-0025.

continued on page 18

Reunions from page 1 7

Naone, Mahi A family reunion for the descendants of Pilipo Naone will take plaee on Saturday, Aug. 29, at Bellows Field, O'ahu. A potluck luneh is planned. Those interested should contact Jessie Cavaco at 488-6401 or Art Naone at 7343839 for details. The Ben Mahi 'ohana of Waiawa should eall 488-6401.