Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 7, 1 July 1992 — Notice of Public Hearing [ARTICLE]
Notice of Public Hearing
Public hearings will be held by the State Commission on Water Resource Management to receive testimony on the proposed revisions to the Hawaii Water Plan, as mandated by the State Code, Chapter 174C, HRS. The Hawaii Water Plan provides the Commission on Water Resource Management with an integrated program for the protection, conservation, and regulation of the waters of the State, and serves as a continuing long-range guide for watei resources managemenL It consists of seven parts: (1) State Water Resources Protection Plan, (2) State Water Projects Plan, (3) Water Quality Plan, (4) Oahu Water Management Plan, (5) Hawaii County Water Use and Development Plan, (6) Maui County Water Use and Development Plan, and (7) Kauai Water Use and Development Plan. The following are summaries of the revisions that were made to eaeh part: 1. State Water Resources Protection Plan The updated Water Resources Protection Plan contains several additional items of major significance. The sustainable yields have been reevaluated and in some instances changed for the island of Oahu. They have also been reviewed for the other islands. The section on water conservation has been expanded to include a recommended statewide water conservation program. The appendix of the report now includes a section on the general geology and hydrology of Oahu. Lastly, the mattei of establishing hydrologic units for surface waters is discussed. A more exhaustive evaluation of the relationships betweer rainfall and stream flow was made. The flow charts for the Ditch Systems on all islands were redone. 2. State Water Proiects Plan Major revisions to the State Water Projects Plan include a comprehensive update of projected water requirements for proposed State sponsored projects in the State of Hawaii. Requests for information were sent to virtually all State agencies and the response was significantly greater than the information received during the preparation of the original report. The agencies were mueh more aware of the impoiīanee of water resource planning as part of their project programming and planning. The projected water demands were compiled as total water demand and also further broken down into irrigation water demand. Irrigation demand was discovered to be a major component of the overall projected State water requirements. The updated water demand projections were used to reassess the regional water needs (grouped by hydrologic sectors), Comparison of regional water needs will enable identification of critical areas throughout the State and aid in the formulation and prioritization of future water-related programs. 3. Wa^: Quality Plan Major revisions to the Water Quality Plan include proposed and approved amendments to Administrative Rules for Watei Quahty Standards, Potable Water Systems, Underground Injection Control, and Wastewater Systems, as well as updating the groundwater contamination maps. Additions to the Plan include the inclusion of Section 319 of the Clean Water Act relating to Nonpoint Source Pollution, the Maui Aquifer Identification and Classification, and the identification of the Wellhead Protection Program as a future program need. 4. Oahu Water Management Plan The initial revision of the Technical Reference Document of the Oahu Water Management Plan provides updated information and revised projections of water use on Oahu. The estimated sustainable yield, or amount of groundwater whieh ean be withdrawn without harming the aquifer, was revised downward from 495 to 465 million gallons per day (mgd). Of this amount, only 416 mgd would be available if Windward aquifers in whieh streamflows may be directly affected are excluded. Untapped sources in the Nonh Shore and Koolauloa areas may need to be developed to draw water ffom the sustainable yield to meet increased demands. Efficient use and expansion of our water resources, including increased conservation efforts, substitution of non-potable water for irrigation uses, and expanded development of altemative sources such as desalination and wastewater effluent reuse are also recommended. , 5. Hawaii Countv Water Use and Development Plan Most of the changes in the revision draft involved the updating of information and editing of text and graphics to improve readability. The estimate of future water needs in the revision relies more on demand projections by major private and public water purveyors and users than on estimates based on populanon projections. The major concems inelude the mueh larger estimated future water need compared to the water supply resources available in South Kohala and North Kona, and the availability of financing to improve or develop water systems to meet safe drinking water regulations. 6. Maui Countv Water Use and Development Plan The Water Use and Development Plan for Maui County was uf>dated to include: (1) an expanded data base for the water consumption pattems in all the Department of Water Supply water districts, (2) an analysis of existing water resources, and (3) a revised strategy for water use ad development in eaeh of the major water systems in the County. A separate plan was prepared for eaeh of the islands: Maui, Molokai, and Lanai. 7. Kauai Water Use and Development Plan The Kauai Water Use and Development Plan was updated in 1992 to reflect the latest water consumption data ffom the Department of Water, County of Kauai. The population information from the 1991 State of Hawaii Data Book and eeonomie information from the Statistical Abstract of the Kauai Economy for 1991 were used in the update. AU of the recent Water Registrations were incorporated into the plan. The text, Water Consumption and Use Tables and Graphics were updated to reflect the new data. The public hearings will be held at the following dates, times and places: September 8, 1992 (Tues) 7:00 p.m., Hilo Intermediate School Cafeteria, 587 Waianuenue Ave„ Hilo, Hawaii September9, 1992 (Wed.) 7:00 p.m., Kealakehe Elementary School Cafeteria, 74-5118 Kealakaa St„ Kailua-Kona, Hawaii September 15, 1992 (Tues.) 7:00 p.m„ Wilcox Elementary School Cafeteria, 4319 Hardy St„ Kapaa, Kauai September 16, 1992 (Wed.) 7:00 p.m„ State Department of Land and Natural Resources board Room, Kalanimoku Bldg„ Rm 132, 1151 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, Oahu September 17, 1992 (Thurs.) 7:00 p.m„ Waikapu Community Center, Waikapu, Maui September 22, 1992 (Tues.) 7:00 pjn„ Lanai High School Cafeteria, Fraser Ave„ Lanai City, Lanai September 23, 1992 (Wed.) 7:00 p.m., Mitchell Pauole Center, Kaunakakai, Molokai AU interested persons are urged to attend the hearings and submit comments, orally or in writing. Draft copies of the revised Hawaii Water Plan may be obtained after July 1, 1992 ffom the Commission on Water Resource Management, State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Room 227, Kalanimoku Building, 1 151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 (phone 587-0214). The Commission on Water Resource Management will continue to accept written testimony until October 7, 1992. Testimony should be mailed to the Commission on Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. Draft copies of the Hawaii Water Plan may also be reviewed after July 1, 1992 at any public library, at the Commission's office at Kalanimoku Building, Room 227, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 (phone 587-0214), or at the following district offices of the State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Land Management: State Office Bldg„ 75 Aupuni St„ Hilo, Hawaii 96720 State Office Bldg„ 54 High St„ Wailuku, Maui 96793 State Office Bldg„ 3060 Eiwa St„ Lihue, Kauai 96766 A person wishing to formally contest any matter brought before the hearing may request a contested case proceeding, in accordance with HAR Section 13-167-52. Any such request must be made before the close of the hearing and must be followed with a detailed written petition filed with the Commission within ten (10) days of the hearing. Also, disabled individuals planning to attend the public hearing are asked to contact the Division (at the above address or phone 587-0214) to indicate if they have special needs whieh require accommodation. State of Hawaii COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT RAE M. LOUI, Deputy Director for WILLIAM W. PATY, Chairperson