Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 7, 1 July 1992 — Prince Lot hula festival set for July 18 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Prince Lot hula festival set for July 18
The Pnnee Lot Hula Festival is gearing up for its 15th year as the only non-competitive annual hula event performed for the puhlie enjoyment. The traditional day-long ho'olaulea takes plaee the third Saturday of this month, July 18 at
Moanalua Gardens. This year's theme is "The Elements:" earth, fire, water and air. As these elements are necessary to life, there is a rich field to choose from and interpret through hula. This year 13 halau from Lana'i, O'ahu, Maui, Moloka'i and Kaua'i will participate. Capacity crowds of 9,000 to
10,000 are expected to attend.
Starting off this year s festivities is a kukini run. This relay race honors Ulunui, a noted runner and messenger of the 17th century chief Kaku'ihewa. This chief was responsible for the great makahiki festivals of Hawaiian art and games in Moanalua. Ulunui, being the strongest runner, is credited with taking a live fish from Ka'elepulu in Kailua up the coast through Ko'olauloa, Waialua and onward to the chief at Waikiki. When he arrived at his destination, the fish is reported to have been alive and thrashing! The run should prove to be as exciting this
year as it was last year when tirst introduced into the hula festival. Hawaiian art and crafts as well as games and refreshments are also featured.
The festival brings together invited halau to share with eaeh other and the general public individual interpretations of ancient chants on a natural grassy hula mound, kama'ipu'upa'a. Prince Lot, Kamehameha V, is credited with reviving the art of hula in the ahupua'a of Moanalua during the 19th century. Accompaning are scenes from last year's event. i