Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 7, 1 July 1992 — Lewin wants health parity for Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

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Lewin wants health parity for Hawaiians

by Ann L. Moore John C. Lewin, M.D, director of the state Department of Health was on hand to help judge the Great Plate Luneh Challege at Kapi'olani Park, at the Ho'olaulea following the Kamehameha Day Floral Parade. He had the following observations concerning Hawaiians and health. "Hawaiians have a lot of domestic problems: education, housing, drugs, poverty, illiteracy but especially health. If we all eame together we could solve the health problems that now have the lowest priority and are the most preventable. If you are healthy, you feel well enough to solve other problems. "It's great what Senator Inouye has done with the Native Hawaiian Health Act, but it's only a token of what the U.S. owes the Hawaiian people in recompense for the confiscation of their lands. "Other indigeous people, like the American Indians, get $1,500 to $2,000 per person, per year for health care. Between Medicaid and NHHCA the Hawaiians get about $250 per person per year, and most of that is Medicaid. They should get at least $1,000 in addition just to be equitable with the American Indians "We have to go back to Congress and establish $1,000 per capita, per year for health, the same with education, for equity with the American Indians, many of whom still have their tribal lands. "Hawaiians are vigorous — like their ancestors. A foreign way of life has harmed them. They must re-learn the ways of the past. "Hawaiians must hold on to traditional values that are important to pass on to the mo'opuna: living on the land, growing food, living vigorously, eating natural Hawaiian foods and building these values through the support of the family, the 'ohana system. Hawaiians must rediscover the village way of life and re-build that system of support."