Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 7, 1 July 1992 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Two caregiver courses scheduled

Two free courses for people who care for frail, elderly people, are being offered by the State Executive Office on Aging and Kapi'olani Community College. One program is for anyone giving home care to a frail, elderly person and the other is for paraprofessionals such as home care operators, home health aides, eompanion aides and chore workers. The Caregiver Training Program is designed to give at-home, family caregivers basic knowledge and skills to help an elderly member of the family. Participants will leam techniques for eoping with stress and anxiety, legal issues, nutrition, mobility and safety. Problem solving techniques will also be discussed. Family caregiver classes are scheduled for Saturdays, July 11 to Aug. 29 from noon to 3 p.m. at Wahiawa General Hospital, 128 Lehua St. The singie session, four-hour Professional Caregiver Training Session will deal with practical knowledge and skills needed in managing problem behavior in a community-based setting. The session will take plaee Thursday, July 2, from 1:305:30 p.m. at the KCC campus, Ilima 202B. For information on either course, eall the KCC Office of Community Services at 734-9211.