Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — OHA names Blomquist as PIO [ARTICLE]

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OHA names Blomquist as PIO

Ellen Blomquist is the new public information officer at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, effective April 16. She succeeds Ed Miehelman who retired in November 1991. Blomquist eame to OHA from KHNL-TV where she first was public affairs coordinator and then a producer/director in the station's production department. She wrote, produced and directed a series of television announeements on the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund for OHA's eeonomie development division. Blomquist has also held positions at Kamehameha Schools and at The Oeeanie Institute, a non-profit research organization. The OHA public information officer has general responsibility for media and public relations under the direction of the trustees' Committee on OHA Relations. These duties include being responsive to the needs and concerns of OHA beneficiaries, overseeing Ka Wai Ola O OHA, preparation of the OHA annual report to the

legislature, press releases, media campaigns, and communications support for all OHA offices and divisions. "The primary function of the PIO office is articulating OHA's policies and future plans. The PIO also briefs the Hawaiian community and the public on the programs OHA has put in plaee over the last decade. OHA's an exciting plaee to be as issues like sovereignty and selfdetermination eome to the fore. I'm very happy to be part of it," she said.

Ma kahi o ka hana he ola malaila. "Where work is, there is Iife." (2090) ("'Olelo No'eau, Hawaiian Prouerbs And Poetical Sayings," by Mary Kawena Pukui published by Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 1983.)