Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — Fee waived for college course [ARTICLE]

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Fee waived for college course

Qualified Hawaiian students interested in vocational/technical college majors, will receive special tuition waivers in a class "Survival Skills For Success" (IS-197) being offered by Honolulu Community College July 29-31. Funding for the waivers will be provided by the Native Hawaiian Project. The class is designed for new students of Native Hawaiian descent, to assist them in adjusting to the academic environment, learning about college programs and support services, and developing cultural appreciation. The class will focus on acquiring the study, communication and interpersonal skills needed to adapt and succeed in college. Applications are now being accepted. Those interested should contact Jeannette Murray Peek at the Career Development Center, Honolulu Community College, 845-9130.