Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — Working for wildlife [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Working for wildlife

Born on the Big isiand of Hawai'i, raised on O'ahu, and a graduate of Kamehameha Schools, Puhipau is an inspiration to those eoneemeei about tne ruture of Hawai'i and its people.

He has expt • .eneea first hand the problems facing native l ,owanans and is activeiy invoivea in reSo!vinq tncse issues. With partnc .oan cander. Puhipau has proeueee numerous uocumentary viaeos througn

the independent production company Na Maka O Ka 'Aina. Traveling throughout the Pacific he has sensitively captured Polynesian concepts and events with a video camera. Represented in the videos are Hawaiian eulture, art, sovereignty. and wildlife conservation. "Lahui Maoli" features native wildlife species and contains excellent footage of Hawaii's forest birds and other animals. Some of the videos by Na Maka O Ka 'Aina have been shown nationally on PBS, at international film festivals and on loeal television stations. Puhipau knows well the power of the media and its ability to bring about social change. One of his goals is to have a 24 hour-a-day Hawaiian television station. For information and a list of productions by Na Maka O Ka 'Aina eall 988-6984.
