Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — OHA gives $12,500 to Protect Kaho'olawe Fund [ARTICLE]

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OHA gives $12,500 to Protect Kaho'olawe Fund

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has given the Protect Kaho'olawe Fund $12,500 for purchase of a Zodiac inflatable raft. Trustee Abraham 'Aiona, chairman of the budget, finance, policy and planning committee, gave Davianna McGregor, Ph.D, a representative of the fund, a eheek on behalf of OHA. The primary mission of the Protect Kaho'olawe Fund, a non-profit organization, is public education about and protection of the island of Kaho'olawe. The PKF particularly wants to encourage visits by kupuna and youth. At present, people visiting by boat must often risk swimming ashore through treacherous oeean conditions since there are no berthing facilities on the island. In addition to supporting safe access, the Zodiac will be used to transport the supplies necessary for revitalizing the island. The contribution was made at the suggestion of trustee A. Frenchy DeSoto, OHA's member of the Kaho'olawe Island Conveyance Commission. DeSoto has noted how important visits to the island are in order to recommend best use of the island onee it is returned to the people. On a more personal note, she added that visits to the island seem to spark a spiritual rebirth and renewed commitment to the aloha 'aina that Kaho'olawe first symbolized to many in the Hawaiian community. Upon receiving the contribution, McGregor expressed her gratitude to OHA for "the gift to Kaho'olawe, not so mueh for us, but for bringing back the kupuna and young people to the

island. The island calls to us to eome because it's lonely and wants to bring Hawaiians back for a visit. We're grateful OHA recognized that need and provided their support. We invite all people, especially beneficiaries, to eome."