Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — Cash prizes total $35,000 [ARTICLE]

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Cash prizes total $35,000

New contest invites international halau

by Ann L Moore An international hula competition, E Ho'i Mai Ka Hula — The World Championship of Hula — will have its inaugural Nov. 5-7 at the Blaisdell Arena, Honolulu, sponsored by the Moanalua Gardens Foundation in association with Tom Moffatt Productions. Charles Cooke IV, president of Moanalua Gardens Foundation, said: "We are looking for the best halau and solo performers in the world. They will compete for a $35,000 purse in cash and prizes." Halau and soloists from around the world were sent applications, said Courtney Harrington, spokesman for the event. On March 31 the selection committee chose the groups and soloists to participate. Slots were held for the overall winners of the Merrie Monarch and the Kamehameha Hula Festival. lnvited performers, under the published rules, must choose and perform either kahiko or 'auana hula on one one of these themes: air (lewa), land ('aina), water (wai) or fire (ahi). Performers are encouraged to use an environmental theme associated to a problem of their nation. Solo performers who are also members of an invited halau may choose a theme different from the halau. Invitations to participate have been accepted by: Halau Kamehameha of Honolulu, Halau O Na Maoli Pua of Honolulu, Halau Pulama Mau Ke Aioha Ka 'Ohana llima of Maryland, Halau Kapuwailani'onohinohi'ula of Wai'anae, Halau Kawaili'ula of Kailua, Lehua Dance Company of

Honolulu, Maria Nino's Japan Hula Association of Japan, and Halau Na Wai 'Eha O Puna of Aiea. lnvited female soloists who have accepted include: Lokelani Komachiya of Japan, Chrissy Uluwahi Williams of Maryland, Ku'uipo of Waipahu, Ke'alamailapakalani Parangao of Kaua'i, Pulani Smith of Honolulu, Pua Tagalog of Ewa Beach, and Hulali Velazquez of Mexico. lnvited male soloists who have accepted include: Steven Keawe of Kailua, Brandon Paredes of Honolulu, La'akea Perry of Aiea, and Keola Toyama of Kaneohe. At press time there were still a few people who had yet to respond to invitations, Harrington said. The selection committee is chaired by Leimomi Khan and includes Wendell Silva, Cy Bridges and Hulali Covington. The gold medal international halau and gold medal Hawai'i halau will have a dance-off for whieh a separate award will be given. The halau that wins the International prize and the halau that wins the Hawai'i prize eaeh receive $5,000 and trophies, according to the published rules. Those two winners will compete for the World trophy and the cash prize of an additional $5,000. The competition will also determine the top male and female solo dancers. Eaeh will receive $2,500 and trophies. Eaeh participating halau and solo performer will receive a $500 ho'okupu. Under the published judging rules it states: eaeh competition will have five judges plus one, non-voting, senior judge who will oversee the

process and mediate appeals. The senior judge's decision will be final. Performances will be scored on a scale of one to 10 and high and low scores will be discarded. Performances are limited to no more than 15 minutes, including entering and exiting the stage area. Deductions will be made for overtime. Eaeh performance, halau or solo, will be judged on overall performance (20 percent) use and command of the Hawaiian language (15 percent) costume interpretation and authenticity (15 percent) song and/or chant interpretation (15 percent) creativity (15 percent) and use of theme in the presentation (20 percent.) Harrington said the Moanalua Gardens Foundations looks at this inaugural event as the beginning of a international championship of hula by the best halau and soloists from around the world. For more information, contact Courtney Harrington or Paulie Jennings at Moanalua Garden Foundation, 1352 Pineapple Plaee, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96819, or eall 839-5334. The Moanalua Garden Foundation is a private, non-profit organization. lts purpose is to discover and preserve the culture, history and natural environment of Hawai'i. The foundation teaches the 'O'hia Project, an environmental curriculum. It also provides videos and publications for educational institutions and the general public. Eaeh July the foundation produces the Pnnee Lot Hula Festival, a non-competitive hula event, on the grounds of Moanalua Gardens. The Moanalua Gardens Foundation is not affiliated with the Moanalua Gardens or the estate of Samuel Mills Damon.