Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — Mainland lectures on oral history set for New York [ARTICLE]

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Mainland lectures on oral history set for New York

Mainlanders will have an opportunity to hear history and customs of Moloka'i, during July and August, as told by John Koko Willis and Pali Jae Lee. July 21, 22, 23, they will be at the Holiday Inn, Cape Girdareau, Mo., as guests of the Huna Research Group. Aug. 3, 4, 5, they will lecture at the Sedona Ariz. Art Center. Aug. 6 they will visit with Hopi tribal elders then meet in Tempe with Native Americans from that region to discuss similarities and differences among native peoples. The two authored "Tales From The Night Rainbow," an oral history toid by Kaili'ohe Kame'ekua of Kamalo, Moloka'i (1816-1931) who lived from the reign of Kamehameha I through annexation by the United States and establishment of the Territory of Hawai'i. In the foreword, Willis and Lee note that "Historians and anthropologists differ with some of the material but this is how the stories were told and this is how they are presented." The book began as a eompilahon of family stories and were originally shared with the public in 1983. The revised and enlarged book, with photos and art work, was published in 1990 by Night Rainbow Publishing Company P.O. Box 10706, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816. Two children's books are in production plus "View From A Hawaiian Pathway" whieh will be off the press in early 1993.