Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — Introduction to grants offered [ARTICLE]

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Introduction to grants offered

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will be eonducting three grant writing workshops on the island of Hawai'i in June. The free workshops are designed as a general introduction to grants for people with no previous grant writing experience. Topics to be covered include identifying sources of funding. developing a project idea, drafting a grant proposal, and developing a project budget. The workshops will also cover the basic steps in creating a non-profit organization. The first workshop will be Saturday, June 20, at the Hawaiian Oeean View Estates Town Center in the Hawai'i Human Development Office, 9 a.m - 3 p.m. The workshop is eosponsored by the Governor's Council for Literacy. Hawai'i Human Development Office and OHA. Participants may bring a brown bag luneh. refreshments will be provided. To register eall either Shirley Gouveia of the Hawai'i Human Development Office. 9299838: Bill Kalei. OHA Liaison in Hilo, 9334349: or Christine Valles in the Honolulu OHA office. 586-3794. The second workshop will be Thursday and Friday. June 25-26, from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Honoka a Gym Annex. This workshop is eo-

sponsored by the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honoka'a. To register eall Reynolds Kamakawiwoole, 775-0322; Bill Kalei, 9334349; or Christine Valles in Honolulu, 5863794. The third workshop will be Saturday, June 27, at the Kea'au Community Center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This workshop is co-sponsored with the Governor's Council for Literacy, and the Big Island Literacy Project, ine. To register, eall Ulu Natanlela of the Big Island Literacy Project, 965-6428; Bill Kalei, 933-4349; or Christine Valles in Honolulu, 586-2794. The workshops will be led by Christine Valles. Valles is the head of OHA's planning and research office and was formerly OHA's grant specialist. She has been helping Hawaiian organizations apply for grants for the last five years and has assisted more than 20 organizations obtain about $1 million in grants. The workshops are dedicated to the memory of Katherine Kahaloa, East Hawai'i liaison for the Governor's Council for Literacy She died on May 7. She organized the Puna and Ka'u workshops. Organizations that want to co-spon-sor grant writing workshops may eall Valles tor more information.