Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 Iune 1992 — Blue ribbon panel meets [ARTICLE]
Blue ribbon panel meets
A blue ribbon steering committee is working on plans to mark the centennial observance of the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Ceremonies will take plaee at 'Iolani Paiaee, Honolulu. the weekend of Jan. 15-17, 1993. The panel will invite groups on Neighbor Islands that are also making plans for the observance on their islands to work with the blue ribbon steering committee. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs constituted the panel chaired by state Sen. Eloise Tungpalan. Members include Peter Ching, Sen. Miehael Crozier. Rockne Freitas, Mufi Hannemann, A1 Harrington. Leina'ala Heine, Ed Kaopuiki, Elizabeth Pa Martin, Keiji Kawakami, the Rev. William Kaina. Francis MeMillen and Robert Pfeiffer OHA received $150.000 from the state legislature and must match it with the same amount īn runds raised rrom the pnvate sector. OHA trustee Kamaki Kanahele. who heads the OHA ooservance committee, welcomed the memoers at a meeting in the OHA boara room Ma', 8