Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 5, 1 Mei 1992 — Hawaiian events featured at Aloha Games [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian events featured at Aloha Games
Hawaiian makahiki games are scheduled for this year's Aloha State Games in June. For the first time, the Hawaiian makahiki games will be open only to teams and not individual eompehtors, said Walter Ritte, commissioner of the Hawaiian games. He said teams from eanoe clubs are especially encouraged to participate. The makahiki games will be held from 8 a.m,noon Saturday, June 13, at Kapi'olani Park on O'ahu.
The skill games will feature 'ulu maika, (bowling,) moa pahe'e (dart sliding,) and o"o ihe (hurling spears). The strength competitions will be pohaku ho'o ikaika (stone lifting), huki huki (tug-of-war), and uma (hand wrestling). The wrestling competitions will be pa uma (standing wrist-wrestling), and haka moa (ehiek-en-fighting). Kukini, running games, will feature the 440-yard and 100-yard races. Participants must be at least 14 years old.
Eaeh team must have six members; three team members may take part in two games. Entry deadline is June 1; $20 per team member. After June 1, the cost will be $60 plus $15 per team member. Walk-up entries will be accepted until 7 a.m. Saturday, June 13. For details on the Hawaiian makahiki games, contact Ritte at 538-0367 on Moloka'i. The third annual Aloha State Games is an 01ympic-style multi-sports festival for Hawaii's amateur athletes of all ages and abilities. Among the sports represented during the games will be aerobics, polo, volleyball, badminton, lacrosse, rugby, swimming, karate, body surfing, tennis, bowling, fencing, and horseshoe pitching.
June 6-14 competitions will be held at over 60 locations around O'ahu. Athletic events and opening ceremonies are free. For details, eall the Aloha State Games office at 522-0700.