Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 5, 1 Mei 1992 — Halau needs kokua for trip to Russia [ARTICLE]
Halau needs kokua for trip to Russia
On July 30, Halau Hula O Mililani hopes to make a historic journey from Hawai'i to Moscow — with a little help. The Wai'anae halau has been organizing fundraisers such as car washes, a Mother's Day giveaway, a show for Dances We Dances, ine. and even a food and craft booth at another fundraiser sponsored by the Wai'au Immersion School. But the group was still short $30,000 as of last month and kumu hula Mililani Allen is encouraging the community to eall her with suggestions, ideas or kokua for the halau. The trip is being organized in conjunction with Heritage Festivals, based in Salt Lake City, Utah, and SPUTNIK in what was the Soviet Union. The halau must raise enough money to pay for airfare and ground transportation. "However, we are thinking positive that we will be there to see history in the making, see history as it was and to help make our own history," says Allen.
The group of 20 teenagers and all but two of the nine adults traveling to Moscow and St. Petersburg will be taking part in performances. The excursion is the largest yet for the halau, whieh is in its 19th year. "It will be a great experience for us to see another country whieh for most of our lives we have been taught to fear," says Allen. "It will be a great experience for us to experience the ways of another country and to leam that there are many people elsewhere that have things to offer us." While she says the group is looking forward to understanding another way of life, they are especially excited about sharing the Hawaiian culture with their host country. To help Halau Hula O Mililani, eall Allen at 696-2145.