Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1992 — Reunions [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Jones All members of the Jones 'Ohana, whether in Hawai'i or on the Mainland, are asked to set aside the dates of July 30 through Aug. 2 to attend the family reunion to be held at the Pearl Harbor Trollers Club on O'ahu. There will be a golf tournament at Barber's Point on July 31 and a luau on Aug. 1. A special invitation is issued for cousins, nieces and nephews to attend. The 'ohana is asked to bring any photographs and genealogieal information they have to share. For more information, contact Nona Carrell at 671-7289 or Hope Flora Silva at 4552836. Kahula The descendants of Polohau H. Kahula, who resided in Naalehu, Ka'u (Waiohinu) on the Big Island, are seeking their 'ohana for a reunion tentatively scheduled for July 26-29, in Hana, Maui. The festivities will include sharing stories and entertainment, and time to gather genealogical information to update current data. Although specifics on the what, when and where have not yet been determined, there is a need to coordinate living and transportation arrangements. Family members who have not already been contacted should eall or write Rachel Kahula-Layman, daughter of Moses Kipu Kahula, after 7 p.m. at 536-8918 or 1502 Pensacola Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822 by April 30. Kauaua The 'Ohana Kauaua will have a reunion at McKinley High School, Honolulu. The reunion starts at 3 p.m. on Aug. 21 and continues through Aug. 23. 'Ohana meetings are held monthly to meet new family members and bring geneology up to date. The 10 a.m. meetings are: April 18 at

Butchie Kaholokula's home; May 16 at Waimanalo Beach Park; June 20 at Sand Island Beach Park. For further information on the 'ohana reunion or monthly meetings, contact Hannah at 833-7402 or Herb at 422-0410. Namahoe The Namahoe 'ohana will hold its first family reunion July 31 through Aug. 2 in Hilo with activities starting at 4 p.m. on Friday at Wailoa State Park. Registration deadline for those planning to attend the reunion is April 15. Notify Terri Lee at P.O. Box 22426, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96823, or eall her at 536-3614. Or contact Gaylyn Allen at P.O. Box 189, Hilo, Hawai'i 96721 or eall 959-5534. Members of the following Namahoe 'ohana are invited to attend: Keaweaheulu Namahoe and Maraea Meali'i Honuakaha Namahoe, Helen Heeia Namahoe and Charles Alden or Helen and Marcus Colburn Sr., Josephine Kalue Namahoe and Samuel Kipi, Daniel Kahooilimoku Namahoe and Lucy Kahanu Namahoe or Daniel and Annie Wong Akana Namahoe, Mariah Namahoe and Edward Kelley, Sarah Kaohukuhao Namahoe and Louis Kamaka, John Keaweaheulu Namahoe Sr. and Violet Hoe Namahoe, Fred Kaiakaola Namahoe Sr. and Mary Cahill Namahoe, George Mahoe Namohe, Hannah Kaleialoha Namahoe, Charles Kale Namahoe and Debra Kaiwi Namahoe and Charles and Ruby Notley Namahoe. Ontal-Puou The 'ohana of Lizzy Ontai-Puou has set its reunion for Aug. 1 at Hookena Beach, in Kona, Hawai'i. Activities planned will include family entertainment, games and handmade crafts. For details, eall Kimberly Puou at 5211269.