Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 3, 1 March 1992 — Historic Hawaii announces preservations awards [ARTICLE]
Historic Hawaii announces preservations awards
Historic Hawai'i Foundation has, since 1975, recognized outstanding accomplishment and leadership in historic preservation through its Historic Preservation Honor Awards Program. Eaeh year, three categories of awards are given: preservation awards for specific programs or projects, preservation commendations for government agencies or organizations, and preservation certificates for individuals. This year's Preservation Awards Committee selected nine examples from three islands whieh have made exceptional contributions to historic preservation in the state of Hawai'i. Awards ceremony The Preservation Honor Awards Ceremony honoring this year's winners will be included in the program at the Historic Hawai'i Annual Meeting, in April at Washington Plaee. For more information on this event, contact Historic Hawai'i at 537-9564. Historic Hawai'i Foundation is a 17-year-old, statewide non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the historic buildings, objects and archaeological sites that are the living fabric of Hawai'i's history. The following statewide list of 1991 winners are by island and category:
O'ahu: Preservation Award for a specific project Hale O Lono Heiau For the archaeological restoration of an ancient Hawaiian temple in Waimea Valley on the North Shore. Preservation Award for a specific project Pauahi Hall at Punahou School For the adaptive reuse of a historically significant school building to meet current educational and operational program requirements. Sharing the award are Punahou School and CJS Group Architects, Ltd. Preservation Award for a specific project Walker Estate For the adaptive reuse of the residence and grounds of the Walker Estate. Preservation Certificate for an Individual Rudy Mitchell For his long term leadership in the preservation and restoration of Hale O Lono in Waimea Valley on O'ahu. He is the Waimea Falls Park historian, and has worked for the past 17 years as an archaeologist. Preservation Certificate for an Individual William J. Murtagh For his work in preservation education in Hawai'i. As director of the Pacific Preservation Consortium, a project of the Department of American Studies at the University of Hawai'i-
Manoa, he has been responsible for courses, a field school and off-campus public programs. Hawai'i Preservation Award for a specific project Hilo Main Street Program For the continuing revitalization of a 25block central business district, through the combined use of historic preservation, strategic planning, and eeonomie development. Preservation Award for a specific project Mauna Lani Resort For the establishment of Puako Petroglyph Archaeological Park, designed to preserve historic sites while allowing public access. Moloka 'i Preservation Award for a specific project St. Philomena Catholic Church For the restoration of an historically significant church. The project was organized and funded by the Friends of Father Damien, a non-denominational, non-profit organization. Preservation Commendation for a government agency or organization Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) For initiating a comprehensive recordation program at Kalaupapa National Historical Park, and for the recordation of the historic community social hall at Kalaupapa.