Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1992 — Kahuna book now available [ARTICLE]
Kahuna book now available
Hawaiian religious philosophy is the foundation of Hawaiian values. However, Hawaiian religious philosophy or Kahunaism has been one of the most misunderstood aspects of Hawaiian culture. "The Need For Hawai'i" by Patrick Ka'ano'i addresses that. The author identifies and allows the reader to understand and apply Hawaiian religious philosophy and specific Hawaiian Kahuna values to the present day. A chapter is written for eaeh individual eoncept of 'Ohana-family, Aloha-love, Pa'hanaindustry, and Maika'i-excellence. From the child to the spirit-ancestor; from everyday life to the afterlife are covered in this overview of the Hawaiian value system. Ka'ano'i's book is the result of a four-year study within the Hawaiian community on the need for the contemporary understanding and application of Hawaiian values. Ka'ano'i is also the founder of La Hae Hawai'i (Hawaiian Flag Day) and co-author of "The Hawaiian Name Book" by Bess Press. He is also a full-time entertainer, composer and author of various published articles on Hawaiian values. "The Need For Hawai'i — A Guide to Hawaiian Cultural and Kahuna Values" is published by Ka'ano'i Productions and is available by sending $5.95 plus $1.50 for postage and handling per book to Ka'ano'i Productions, P.O. Box 26416, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96825.