Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1992 — Dates set for plate lunch challenge [ARTICLE]
Dates set for plate lunch challenge
The second Great Hawaiian Plate Luneh Challenge, sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Health and the O'ahu Native Hawaiian Health Council, will be held during the King Kamehameha Day celebrations on Saturday June 6 at Kapi'olani Park in Honolulu. The challenge is open to restaurateurs, caterers, lunch-wagon operators and others in the food industry. U.S. Dietary Guidelines must be adhered to, with emphasis on traditional foods, materials and methods of cooking, although recipes may be modified to use introduced spices and materials. Those interested in entering should request an entry form from the Office of Hawaiian
Health, Department of Health, P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96801 or eall 5864530 or 586-4531. Recipes of all entries must be submitted by May 4. Nutrition information on all entries will be made available at the event. A panel of judges from the department, Native Hawaiian community and the media will decide the winners in various categories. The purpose of the challenge is to encourage restaurants and caterers to design and create a tasty and affordable Native Hawaiian meal whieh conforms to health eating guidelines, thus promoting positive messages to the eommunity at large.