Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1992 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
"HER ITAGE Bank of Hawaii is happy to . sponsor the Heritage Series, an 5. ^ JBTf exploration of the rich cultural heritage of Hawaii and its people. You won't want to miss these exciting programs whieh include ^HH^^^H such topics as volcanoes, the .««, ^H^H^ taro industry, Hawaiian fam- WK^BējKBl AUnl . ily aumakuas, the popular JHl$fljflnLjfc heaeh boys of the old Moana 4^ pH^Hk «MHI Hotel, and early Radio Days in Hawaii. . ^|flH|^Qflj^Bfln|| Tune in to the Heritage ■" ^^HHeHIHHHHk^ Seriesat 12:30 p.m. on the last ^^KjKSKuBBKk Sunday of every month. Just tum Jflfl|^VBH|flflk%: your dial to KCCN, 1420 AM. If ®^R^Hfl8£jR' you miss Sunday's program, no R^QflA^ ?jflHflQfl||HBBS problem. It will be rebroadcast ^BU5 on Wednesday evening, 7:00 p.m., ten days after the origi- ^lV nal broadcast. ^,|Sfll y(% We sincerely hope you like r ^ iw^^M 1^5Sf theseprograms. Aloha. I MEMBER FDIC ^ ^