Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 2, 1 February 1992 — Corrections [ARTICLE]
In the report of the Kama'aina of the Year festivities, carried in the January Ka Wai Ola O OHA, the name of emeee Ed Kinney was misspelled. In addition, the song "Across the Sea" was written by Kinney. Johnny Noble was not co-composer.
An article in the January edition of Ka Wai Ola O OHA contained an incorrect date for the 1992 Holoku Ball, sponsored by the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu. The ball will begin at 5:30 p.m. Friday, March 27, at the Coral Ballroom of the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
The report, E Ho'iho'i mai, the repatriation of Native Hawaiian ancestral remains, part of whieh was printed in last month's Ka Wai Ola O OHA (pages 12-14) is part of the 1991 Legislative Report from The Office Of Hawaiian Affairs Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council. It was prepared and written by Linda Kawaiono Delaney, OHA land and natural resources division officer .
Innovative courses in Hawaiian language, published in the January issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA (page 19) was written by Kalei Amy Tam, Hawaiian studies instructor, Maui Community College, Community Services Division. The introductory note was written by Trustee Abe Aiona. Both have long devoted themselves to preserving Hawaiian heritage. The byline for Tam was inadvertently omitted just above the quote from the Kumulipo.