Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1992 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Lady Ipo hosts Kaua'i music
The Garden Isle Arts Council has announced the Ninth Annual E Kanikapila Kakou program will have Kaua'i composer and performer Lady Ipo Kahaunaele-Nago as its host. (E Kanikapila Kakeu means "eome together and make music.") There is no charge for the programs and the puhlie is weleome.
This highly acclaimed, and unique to Kaua'i, sing-along is a project of the Garden Arts Council, The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Council, and Kaua'i Community College.
Concert dates are: Feb. 17 Aunty Laua'e Arishiro, Feb. 24 Pohaku Nishimitsu, March 2 Lady Ipo Kahaunaele-Nago, March 9 Keoni Inciong, March 16 Larry Rivera, March 23 Helena Santos, March 30 Miehael Lingaton, April 6 Elie Beniamina, April 13 Kalani Flores, April 20 Chucky Boy Chock, April 27 Nathan Kalama, and May 4 Lei Day "Show Your Stuff" Night. For more information eall Lee Mentley at 8220426.
Eaeh Monday, starting Presidents Day, Feb. 17, and ending with a special Lei Day celebration "Show Your Stuff," on May 4, the programs will take plaee from campus center dining room. The Monday evening programs will feature 12 composers of Hawaiian and/or Hawaiian eontemporary music from Kaua'i.