Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1992 — Kamehameha Schools offer students aid [ARTICLE]
Kamehameha Schools offer students aid
Rnancial aid for Native Hawaiian students, of any blood quantum, is available through Kamehameha Schools for both graduates and non-graduates of the schools. Aid for those who did not graduate from Kamehameha Schools is available through "Na Ho'okama A Pauahi," the Kamehameha Schools Post-High School Scholarship and Counseling Program. The program provides supplemental financial assistance for eligible students pursuing undergraduate college studies and education after high school.
Priority deadline this year is March 1. The KS/BE financial office processes all applications and makes award determinations. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and on the availability of funds. Notification of scholarship award will be made by mid-summer. Applications will be accepted after March 1 , if funding is still available.
New form for all scholarships A eommon application form is now available and may be used to apply for any of the five programs described here. Application forms are mailed to all high school counselors and guidance teachers in Hawai'i and may be obtained from them starting Feb. 1. Forms are also available through most Hawaiian organizations or from the Kamehameha Schools financial aid office.
For more information, non-graduates should contact Na Ho'okama A Pauahi (adopted ehildren of Pauahi) at 842-8668 and ask for eounselors Dexter Soares, Claire Pruet, Herman Libarios, Mike Ane, Dale Kuwada or Guy Nishimura.
Na Ho'okama A Pauahi services also include: counseling guidance for attending college, vocational or technical schools in Hawai'i; information sessions on financial aid opportunities; and referral to student service programs at post-high school and training centers. At the centers students receive orientation to facilities, academic advising, tutoring and housing information. Other scholarships are available for both Kamehameha Schools graduates and non-gradu-ates. More information is available through the school's financial aid office 842-8217. The five scholarship programs available through the eommon form are:
• The KS/BE Post High Scholarship and Counseling Program gives financial aid and counseling to non-Kamehameha graduates who are pursuing undergraduate degrees. Applicant must be Native Hawaiian (any quantum) a high school graduate and enrolled in an accredited two or four-year college in Hawai'i. Exceptions may be made for students accepted into programs that are not available in Hawai'i. lnformation 842-8668. • Na Poki'i, the Hawaiian Scholars graduate program for Native Hawaiian students accepted
in programs for advanced degrees at the master's or doctoral level. Information 842-8216. • Native Hawaiian Higher Education program, funded by a grant from U.S. Department of Education, available to non-Kamehameha Schools for Native Hawaiian high school graduates who are Hawai'i residents, for higher education in Hawai'i. Graduate level applicants must also commit to serving the Native Hawaiian community during or after college. Information 847-0599.
• The KS/BE post-high financial aid program provides supplemental financial aid exclusively to Kamehameha Schools graduates for graduate and undergraduate studies. Applicants must be accepted at an accredited post-high institution. Information 842-8216
• Native Haweiiian Health Professions scholarship program is funded through the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. The merit award assists Native Hawaiian students who are accepted into accredited health professions training, in Hawai'i or on the Mainland. Applicants must be Hawai'i residents, eligible for appointment as a federal employee in the U. S. Public Health Service, and upon eomplehon of training, must commit to serve for at least two years in Hawai'i in a federally designated health professions shortage area. Information 8427601.