Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 2, 1 February 1992 — Maluhia health project awarded funds [ARTICLE]

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Maluhia health project awarded funds

"K," a 43-year-old part-Hawaiian laborer, was hospitalized with an infected foot wound, aggravated by uncontrolled diabetes. Although his diabetes had been diagnosed two years earlier, he had not realized the importance of his medication and the need for regularly monitoring his condition.

Out of work and with no medical coverage, UK" would have been at risk for severe problems were it not for a home health care project funded jointly by the Hawai; Department of Health and the federal government. "The Maluhia Project: Home Health for the Uninsured" is one of five national demonstrations including sites in North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi and Utah. It began in 1989 providing skilled home care to people at risk for hospital or nursing home institutionalization. Project nurses spent time educating "K" about his condition and through regular visits they monitor his health to prevent future hospitalizations.

Congress originally funded the demonstrations for three years but extended authorization for an additional three years through 1994. The Maluhia Project was recently notified by the Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance (BHCDA) that funds for the fourth program year, Ocotber 1991 to September 1992, have been approved. Total budget for the project is $1.1 million for the year. Fifth year

funds have already been appropriated and the five projects will be applying for continuation grants. Target population for this program are people with chronic or long term health problems, with no or inadequate insurance coverage, and whose monthly ineome is less than 300 percent of the federal poverty level ($1,902 for a single person in Hawai'i).

The project has served over 280 individuals since its beginning, and currently has about 190 active clients, with 150 on O'ahu and 40 on the Island of Hawai'i. Approximately 20 percent of

the project's clients are of Hawaiian ancestry. Project staff serve patients in the west Honolulu area directly, and contracts with Medical Personnel Pool, Comprehensive Home Services of Hawai'i, Kuakini-At-Home, Kahuku Home Health, Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive

Health Center, St. Francis Home Health, and Hilo Hospital Home Health to provide services to other areas. For further information, contact Cullen Hayashida, the project director, or David Douglas, the outreach coordinator, at 845-2951 ext. 168.