Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1992 — Creative volunteer nominations sought [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Creative volunteer nominations sought

The 1992 First Lady's Outstanding Volunteer Awards campaign, "Volunteers: Hawaii's Family of Aloha," has kicked off with a statewide eall for nominations of exemplary and innovative eommunity service efforts. Led by Hawaii's First Lady Lynne Waihee, FLOVA annually recognizes individuals and groups who improve the lives of others in Hawai'i through volunteer eommunity service.

Nomination forms are available at public libraries or from SVS by calling 587-2860 or writing to: Statewide Volunteer Services. P.O. Box 3375. Honolulu, Hawai'i 96801. The deadline for nominations is Feb. 7. Every nominee will receive a certificate of recognition and a special volunteer appreciation pin at ceremonies held in conjunction with nahonal Volunteer Week in Apnl. Since FLOVA was established in 1977, more than 3,200 volunteers throughout the state have been nominated. In 1991 there were 314 volunteers nominated.

FLOVA honors the outstanding volunteer effort in five categories: youth, adult, senior, business and project. Ceremonies are held on Hawai'i, Kaua'i, Maui, Moloka'i and O'ahu to recognize the outstanding nominee in eaeh category for eaeh island. The O'ahu ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, April 16 at the Pacific

Beach Hotel. Mrs. Waihee will journey throughout the state to personally thank and visit with volunteers from a variety of community service organizations. The 1992 FLOVA campaign will culminate in a special luneheon hosted by Mrs. Waihee at Washington Plaee on Tuesday, Apnl 28. The awardees in eaeh FLOVA category from eaeh

island will be invited. The luneheon will be capped off by the announcement of the Hawai'i nominee for the prestigious President's Points of Light Volunteer Awards. The Hawaii nominee for the national honor, to be presented in 1993, will be selected from among the 1992 FLOVA awardees. Contact Liane Kam at Statewide Volunteer Services, 587-2860, for more information.