Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 2, 1 February 1992 — Honolulu civic club elects officers [ARTICLE]

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Honolulu civic club elects officers

The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, now in its 74th year, recently installed officers for 1992. They are: Keawe Vredenburg, president; Leimomi Khan, vice-president; Pat Rivera, recording secretary; Momi Jones, corresponding secretary; Eric Martinson, treasurer; and directors: Marsha Bolson, Jyo Bridgewater, Lueia Davis, Katherine Farm, Laurita Hookano, Sterling Johnson, Dawn Farm-Ramsey, Luana Sala and JoAnn Tsark.

The installation luneheon was held Jan. 18. Guest Edward Kanahele spoke on the status and future of traditional Hawaiian education, meaning kahuna-haumana interactions, in our modern society. The club's major scholarship fundraiser, the 60th annual Holoku Ball, is scheduled on March

27 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village's Coral Ballroom. Other club activities for this year include the continuing KHVH Sunday radio show (now in its 32nd year), participation in the Ho'ike'ike at Bishop Museum, the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs convention on Kaua'i, the annual cultural tour and speaker programs at the quarterly membership meetings.

The scholarship committee, headed by Pili Lee Loy, is revising its application procedures and cautions applicants to expect some delays in receiving the new applieahon forms. Requests for scholarships applications should be mailed to: The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 1513, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96806.