Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 2, 1 February 1992 — Bishop trustees will chair Holoku Ball [ARTICLE]

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Bishop trustees will chair Holoku Ball

The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu has announced the honorary chairs for its 1992 Holoku Ball will be the trustees of Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Paueihi Bishop Estate: William Richardson, Matsuo Takabuki, Myron Thompson, Oswald Stender and Henry Peters.

For over 60 years, the annual Holoku Ball has raised scholarship funds for students of Hawaiian ancestry. Honorary chairs are chosen in recognition of their contributions to the Hawaiian eommunity. "The trustees have done so mueh for the

Hawaiian people, not only in their official eapaeity but on a personal level as well," said Holoku Ball chairman Leimomi Khan. "We wanted to recognize them for their many contributions." This year's Ball theme, Ola mau ke kalo i na 'oha (the taro lives on in the young plants) is one of tradition and education.

"Who better to honor than the trustees of the state's largest Hawaiian educational organization?" asked Khan. In their role as Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate trustees, the five honorees have promoted

and provided quality educational opportunities for Hawaiians. Today, Kamehameha Schools serves over 40,000 people annually through its Kapalama Heights campus and its numerous community programs. Last year, the Holoku Ball raised $19,000. Combined with other club revenues, a total of $29,000 in scholarships was awarded to 54 Hawaiian students. While most of the recipients were young people just entering college or graduate studies programs, some were working parents returning to school after long absences.

"The Holoku Ball is an elegant affair and a step back into history," said Khan. "The women wear beautiful holoku and men wear their best party finery. We have outstanding entertainment, delicious Hawaiian food and of course, the Holoku parade!" The Holoku Ball will be held Friday, March 27 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Tickets are $60 eaeh and may be purchased by sending a eheek to: LeeAnn Crabbe, 1992 Holoku Ball, e/o Design Systems LTD., 1166 Waimanu Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96814.

Further information may be obtained by calling Luana Sala-523-6280 or Leimomi Khan-396-9147.