Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 2, 1 February 1992 — Pacific Islanders to meet on Maui [ARTICLE]

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Pacific Islanders to meet on Maui

by Christina Zarobe It's a precarious high-wire act that could determine the survival of Pacific Island nations — how to develop economies without sacrificing cultural values. To better understand the complex issue, the Kapalua Pacific Center will present the second conference in the "Cultural Values in the Age of TechnoIogy" series scheduled for May 26-29 on Maui.

"The people from the South Pacific community woulā really like to see the Hawaiian people involved. " Trustee Abraham Aiona.

The session will feature such topics as land tenure in the Pacific Islands, preservation of the environment, natural resources and of indigenous cultures, sustainable development, and "Education — Its Role in Land, Culture and Development Issues."

By using case studies from Pacific Island nations and a survey of land tenure policies, the series of workshops and conferences will examine firsthand the land tenure policies and practices of countries in the region. Among the sponsors of the session is the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Trustee Abraham

Aiona who attended with Trustee Moses K. Keale Sr. the South Pacific Commission conferenee in October in Tonga believes that Hawaii's involvement in Pacific Island issues is vital. "The people from the South Pacific eommunity would really like to see the Hawaiian people involved," he says. "You ean cross some of the divisions I think I see between Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia." Through such meetings as the Maui conferenee, "Exploring Land, Culture and Development in the Aquatic Continent," Aiona says eommunieahon is encouraged, understanding develops and solutions to problems are often found.

"I see people becoming very provincial in their thinking when they stay in one group. But they could probably leam from us and we could leam from them. We ean learn more by just having these relationships," Aiona says. At its Dec. 20 business meeting the Board of Trustees voted to subsidize the registration cost for 20 Native Hawaiians to attend the conferenee. At $300 eaeh the total is $6,000.

According to Aiona eaeh of the nine OHA trustees or a representative will attend the session while various Hawaiian organizations, civic clubs and associations will be contacted to fill the remaining 1 1 slots. Trustees Aiona, Keale, and Louis Hao also

attended the first conference of the series in June. "Eaeh time we sit down I think we ean leam," says Aiona. Among the speakers scheduled to attend are the pnme minister of Fiji and the Cook Islands, the governor of American Samoa, and either the prime minister or the ambassador of Papua New Guinea. U.S. Sen Daniel K. Inouye, D-Hawai'i, will deliver opening remarks on "The Pacific Islands' Role in Today's Global Economy."

Also slated during the conference are loeal field trips of the Lahaina Restoration Foundation, native fishponds that have been restored, and the Honokahua burial site. Participation is by invitation or applieahon, however, priority will be given to government planning and development specialists, cultural affairs officials, educators specializing in eeonomie policy and programs and poliheal leaders from the Pacific Islands. Organizers hope one or two participants from as many Pacific Island nations as possible will attend.

Those interested should contact the Kapalua Pacific Center at 300 Ohukai Road, Suite 301, Kihei, Hawai'i 96753 or by fax (808) 8790011. A brief biography and a detailed description of a problem or eoneem involving sustainable development policy and planning will be required. The registration fee is $300 and applications must be received by March 1.