Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 1, 1 January 1992 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hilo Homcstead New 3 Br, 2 Ba, carpeted, appliarices, 1,632 sq. ft. house. 15,278 sq. ft. lot near Kuhio Ftaza Some restrictions, Apply 1-885-7461. $98,000. Haw Land Panaewa Hilo. Half acre. ready for home. Wlsh to swap for Kamuela/Waimea area. Call Kalanl 239-7781

Traditional Hawaiian Lomilomi Relaxi'ng therapeutic massage by student Margaret Machado. Reduce stress, ease tension and aches. Reasonable rates. By appt. eall 456-5628

Advertising Rates Just $12.50 p>er eoiumn ineh plus .04 percent tax (anproximately 1 in. long x 1 1/2 ineh wide). Up to 24 words per ineh! To qualify for this low classified rate. we must request that ads not include artwork or other special lauout requirements. To plaee an ad vith us. eall 943-8599, or use the convenient form helow All ads must be prepaid Clip form and mail with payment to' lnnovation. P O Box 62155. Honolulu. Hawai'i. 96839

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