Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 1, 1 January 1992 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board Business

by Ann L. Moorc

The Board of Trustees for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs held its board meeting in the OHA board room on Friday, Nov. 22, in Honolulu. Chairman Clayton Hee presided. Present were trustees Aiona, Akaka, Akana, DeSoto, Kanahele, Kaulukukui and Hao. Trustee Moses Keale Sr. was excused. Chairman's Report The chairman reported on various items including: an Aloha Week report by Trustee Kanahele, archaeological report by Dan Ide, an Oeean and Coastal Management Forum by Trustee DeSoto, the Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention, final audit report by Ernst & Young, reburial of a single Hawaiian skull, a grant request from Lunalilo Home through Trustees Akaka and Aiona, presentations to the board from investment companies, a letter from Sen. Daniel Akaka, and items proposed for the Legislative Review Committee by Trustee DeSoto. The report was unanimously accepted. Administrator's Report The administrator, Richard Paglinawan, reported on: loans that are 90 days delinquent with Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund, a letter of agreement between OHA and the Office of Planning for a review by Deloitte & Touche of the state-generated audit of past-due revenues due to OHA, a request for litigation funds by Kalamaula homesteaders on Moloka'i, a thank you from the state Foundation on Culture and the Arts, a request for a presentation to develop insurance plans and work opportunities for the Hawaiian community, a visit by representatives of the Sto:Lo tribe from Nov. 22-29, a thank you for OHA participation in the Puukohola Heiau 200th anniversary in Kawaihae, a letter from Deloitte & Touche about pending litigation involving OHA, notification of specific references to Native Hawaiians' needs acknowledged in legislative language by the U.S. Committee on Labor and Human Resources, activities inventory of Hui Imi, receipt of guidelines for introducing legislation in 1992 to state !egislature's House of Representatives, a request for participation in Alu Like's Hawai'i Computer Training Center leadership program, request for membership on Hawaiian Services Institutions and Agencies by the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation.

The administrator also reported on: copy ot a letter to Paul R. Martin, assistant to the editor of The Wall Street Journal about the legal basis for issuance of general leases to non-native Hawaiians by the Department of Hawaiian

Home Lands, procedures for initiating eonneetion to the computer records report system of the state Office of Information Practices, results of votes cast in the 1990 elections, proposed constitutional amendment on Hawaiian sovereignty by the state Senate, request for attendance at the Nov. 15-17 Assets Planning Capacity Building Conference, transmittal of journal vouchers distribution of 20 percent of ceded land trust fund receipts to the account established for OHA, analysis of Act 221 of the 1990 Sessions Law, request for copies of testimony by OHA at any City Council hearings on the homeless villages, copy of letter to Deloitte & Touche on examination of financial statements for OHA by the Hawai'i Department of the Attorney General, copy of a letter sent to Deloitte & Touche on examination of financial statements for OHA by Carlsmith, Ball, Wiehman, Murray, Case, Mukai & iehiki, request for confirmation of OHA flyers, transmittal of first quarter program performance and expenditure report by Alu Like, acknowledgement of materials describing businesses established with loans and technical assistance from NHRLF, copy of letter to Deloitte & Touche about OHA expenditures of ceded land funds for leasehold improvement and security deposit at Pacific Park Plaza by Sherry Broder, a request for list of all Hawaiian organizations in the state, aeknowledgement of an invitation to symposium in 1992 in California, request for authorization letter to state Department of Business Eeonomie Development & Tourism fo allow Deloitte & Touche access to records, observation of the 100th anniversary of the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. The report was unanimously accepted as presented. Budget, Finance Policy, Planning Chairman Hee deferred the matter on eontracts as requested by the chair of the committee. OHA Relations Trustee Kanahele moved, second by Trustee DeSoto, to accept the joint committees education and culture motion and OHA Relations report, "E ho'iho'i mai," from OHA's Native Hawaiian Preservation Council as required by the Legislature Act 320. The motion carried unanimously. Sovereignty Chairman Hee recommitted the matter of a resolution to the Committee on Sovereignty.

Announcements The deputy administrator, Stan Lum, announced that Ka Wai Ola O OHA editor, Deborah Lee Ward (Mrs. Larry Ward) was delivered of a five pound baby girl, Pauola Kamaleio Kupuahone Ward, this morning. The chair announced a special board meeting for Nov. 27. Trustee Aiona announced the Budget Committee will attend budget hearings on the neighbor islands during December. Executive Session After a short recess the board reconvened for an executive session at 9:47 a.m. The board reconvened in open session at 9:52 a.m. There were no actions taken in closed session that required ratification. The meeting adjourned at 9:56 a.m. Special Meeting A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the board room at the OHA offices, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, on Nov. 27. The trustees unanimously approved selection of investment managers following a discussion with David Kirkeby of Bishop Trust. The chairman announced he will refer, to the Committee on Budget and Finance, a news report on Japan's entering into a rental agreement with the federal government on use of lands at Pohakuloa training area on the Island of Hawai'i. The chairman noted that OHA should be receiving additional revenue from the agreement "although we may not agree with the use." Trustee DeSoto announced the Legislative Review Committee will have several meeting in December then prepare a final legislative paekage at the Dec. 19 meeting. Trustee Kanahele announced a joint meeting between the Committee on OHA Relations and the Committee on Sovereignty on Dec. 3. Trustee Aiona announced the Committee on Budget and Fmance will present its recommendations on the supplemental budget to the Board of Trustees on Dec. 23. Chairman Hee reminded trustees that the budget hearings on neighbor islands are committee meetings and will be run as a three-member committee. He noted any votes taken must be in accord with committee structure and strictly adhered to, as it might have an impact on what happens at the Legislature. Further, he suggested that trustees make every effort to attend any supplemental budget hearings scheduled for the islands they represent. The special meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.