Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 1, 1 January 1992 — Kuhio song contest set [ARTICLE]

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Kuhio song contest set

All intermediate and high school youngsters on the Nanakuli homestead, O'ahu, are invited to participate in the second annual Prince Kuhio Song anei Essay contest to be held in Nanakuli on April 12. The Aha Huku Mele 'O Maunakea, ine., is sponsoring the event in honor of the beloved ali'i Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole. Participants may elect to sing, solo or in a group, one of the two songs written about Pnnee Kuhio and the homestead by Kupuna Katherine K. Maunakea: "Na Kuhio Mai" or "Aloha Ku'u 'Aina Ho'opulapula." Participants may also elect to write an essay about Pnnee Kuhio's life and accomplishments. The sponsor's aim is to increase awareness among the young people of the greatness of Prince Kuhio, what inspired and motivated him to do all he did for his people. Key speakers and performers are being invited to participate during the program. Also invited will be representatives of the Kawananoka family and the Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club. To obtain applications and song sheets, those interested should write to Kupuna Katherine K. Maunakea, 89-134 Haleakala Ave., Wai'anae, Hawai'i, 96792-4004. For further information, eall 688-1965.