Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 1, 1 January 1992 — Holoku Ball tickets are ready [ARTICLE]

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Holoku Ball tickets are ready

The 1992 Holoku Ball, sponsored by the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, will take plaee Friday, March 25, at the Coral Ballroom of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Festivities begin at 5:30 p.m. with cocktails and the gala hokolu parade accompanied by Mahi Beamer at the grand piano to be followed with Hawaiian cuisine and Hawaiian entertainment. The cost is $60 per person, with proceeds going toward providing 50 scholarships for Hawaiian youth. The theme of this year's ball is "Ho'oulu ke kalo i na 'oha" (The taro lives on in the young plants.) Honorees for the evening will be the trustees of the Bishop Estate: William S. Richardson, Henry H. Peters, Oswald Stender, Myron B. Thompson and Matsuo Takabuki. Tickets may be purchased by eheek made payable to HCCH '92 Holoku Ball, and mailed to Lee Ann Crabbe, e/o Design Systems Ltd., 116 Waimanu St., Honolulu, Hawai'i, 96814. Attire is formal. Ladies are asked to wear a holoku or gowns and gentlemen to wear Hawaiian sash and tuxedo. The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu was established in 1918 by Pnnee Kuhio

Kalaniana'ole and several colleagues. Its main goal is to support the education of Hawaiian people to prepare them to take their plaee as leaders and contributors to the community. Proceeds of the annual ball are dedicated to that purpose.