Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 1, 1 January 1992 — Ke Kukui Malamalama awards given [ARTICLE]

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Ke Kukui Malamalama awards given

by Ann L. Moore Ke Kukui Malamalama, awards for excellence in Hawaiian education, were presented to four loeal educators in a Dec. 11 ceremony at the Dole Cannery. The award, sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, went to three individuals and one collective. The individuals are: Janet Kahalekomo, DOE Kupuna, 'Ele'ele Elementary, 'Ele'ele, Kaua'i; Byron Cleeland, teacher of Hawaiian language, Kaua'i High and Intermediate, Lihu'e, Kaua'i; and Dr. David Sing, director, Na Pua No'eau, University of Hawai'i at Hilo, Hawai'i. The collective is the

teachers of the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program and Punana Leo Pre-Schools. The award recognizes outstanding work in eultural and academic education within the Hawaiian community. It is hoped this award will provide the community with stimulating and innovative models who will have an impact on Hawaiians. In presenting these yearly awards, The Office of Hawaiian Affairs recognizes the projects, teachers and/or individuals who have made a difference in Hawaiian education. By showing appreciation to these successful programs and people, OHA hopes to encourage continuance

of the work and support future innovation and inspiration in the education of Hawaiians. The award program was administered by the OHA Education Division and its officer, Rona Rodenhurst. Criteria for nomination required that eaeh individual be a person exceptionaily dedicated to furthering the education of Native Hawaiians; inspire students of Hawaiian ancestory to excellenee; have the respect of students, colleagues and parents; and play an active role in the eommunity. The awards were voted by the OHA Board of Trustees on Dec. 10.