Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 12, 1 December 1991 — Computer center helps business [ARTICLE]

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Computer center helps business

On Oct. 25, the Hawai'i Computer Training Center (HI-CTC) opened its new loeahon at 1120 Maunakea St. in the Maunakea Market Plaee. The center has a new director, Diane Halpin. Before coming to Alu Like and HI-CTC, Halpin was involved in many training, education, and software development programs. She has worked in both education and industry, in large corporations and small businesses. Halpin's most recent experience is in automating the U.S. Navy training process. This research and development project was funded through the Navy Personnel Research and Development Center. She has also served as a training specialist for the job/task analysis of the Army's Chemical Demilitarization Training Program at the Aberdeen, Proving Grounds in Aberdeen Maryland. (The plant on Johnston Atoll was the prototype for the analysis.) Prior to that, she worked in curriculum development and maintenance for the submarine force's SSBN training program. Before entering the military training arena, she spent eight years in rural

Maryland teaching English, speech, and theater arts. Class XIV is underway and will graduate in late February. The jobfest for students will be held on Feb. 4. Any business that has a full time clerical, secretarial or computer-related position, whieh includes benefits and a competitive salary is, weleome to attend. Businesses are screened beforehand. Inquiries should be directed to the center at 532-3658. HI-CTC offers an intemship program to transition students into the job while concurrently attending training. At no salary, our interns ean leam on-the-job before assuming the position full time. If you have an employee who is leaving soon, and you would like the opportunity to train the new employee at no cost, eall HI-CTC. Entrance testing for class XIV will begin in midDecember. The e^rly testing program provides ample time for those who do not qualify after the initial test to bring up their math, English, or typing skills to meet the entry requirements before class XV begins.