Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 12, 1 December 1991 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]
OHA Board Business
by Christina Zarobe Assi3tant Editor
The OHA Board of Trustees held its Oct. 23 business meeting in the OHA conference room in Honolulu, O'ahu. Present were Chairman Clayton H.W. Hee, vice-chairperson Rowena Akana, and trustees Abraham Aiona, Moanikeala Akaka, A. Frenchy DeSoto, Louis Hao, Kamaki A. Kanahele, 111, Thomas Kaulukukūi, Sr. and Moses Keale, Sr. Chairman's Report The chairman reported on the following items: a thank you letter from Frank Cassidy and Heather Kucheran for participation in the Delgamuukow conference, and the selection of both Steven Harris to provide custodial/trustee services for OHA's investment portfolio and Greg Kowal who will provide brokerage services for OHA's investment portfolio. Other topics reported by the chairman were the termination of Trustee Akana's administrative aide, Trustee Aiona and the Council of Energy Resource Tribes, Charlene Aina with a clarification of the Sunshine Law, Sol Kahoohalahala and the OHA position on Lana'i, the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, and Don Maleolm and the workshop, "Cultural Values in the Age of Technology." Other matters presented by the chairman were Trustee Kanahele and a Hawaiian in lsrael, Trustee Aiona and a policy on use of OHA facilities, Richard Paglinawan and the NHCAP/Kualoa Park, Gary Okamoto offering thanks for the Grand Hyatt Wailea donation, Trustee Kaulukukui and nominations to the Affordable Housing Program Advisory Council, and trustees and the trade with KHNLTV station. Issues also reported by the chairman were Donna Wong and resolution 90-559, SMP for Pohakupu subdivision, Vaasatia Poloma Komiti and the 31st South Pacific Conference, Martin Wilson and the South Pacific Congress Conference, Trustee Keale and KHNL TV station funds, Gov. John Waihe'e and the invitation to the Kupuna Conference, and requests to Congressmen Sidney Yates, Ralph Ragula, Neil Abercrombie and Patsy Mink and Senators Robert Byrd, Daniel Akaka, and Daniel lnouye to support funding for the NHCAP. The chairman also reported on Trustee Akaka and an official business authorization, official business travel allowanee authorization forms, Trustee Akaka and the Hawaii Medication Association Conference, the 1991 David Malo award honoring Trustee Kaulukukui, Trustee Akana and the meeting held the night of Oct. 9, Napeahi v. Paty and Price v. Akaka, Trustee Kaulukukui and the HFDC public hearing at Pahoa and Trustee Aiona and the Hawaii Bar Foundation. Other subjects discussed by the chairman were Frank Brown and traditional eanoe gathering, administrative aides to the trustees, recent Supreme Court rulings, the Wong letter dated Oct. 8, William Paty and the reburial of Ke Po'o
'Iwi O'ahu, Mike Luee and written testimony, a press conference held later in the board meeting, Trustee Akana and the Governor's Council meeting, legislators and museums on preservation eouneil positions, and Trustee Aiona and the Hawaii Community Services Council. Unfinished Business Trustee Aiona moved while Trustee Kanahele seconded a motion to adopt the report and second reading of the revisions to the OHA By-laws articles II, VII, and X. However, Trustee Akana was opposed to the motion because of the procedure followed to bring the issue to the floor. She recommended the board obtain a second opinion from the state attorney general. Speaking in support of the motion, Trustee Keale said it is within the board's purview to amend the motion in whichever way it decides. The board acts as the final authority of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, he said. The motion passed 7-2. New Business Trustee Aiona moved while Trustee Kanahele seconded a resolution congratulating Trustee Kaulukukui for receiving the 1991 David Malo award from the West Honolulu Rotary Club. The resolution passed unanimously. Committee Reports Budget, Finance, Policy and Planning A motion was moved by Trustee Aiona and seconded by Trustee DeSoto to approve the appropriation of $50,000 in special funds to the Native Hawaiian Legal (£orp. to provide legal representation to Native Hawaiians who have filed claims before the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Claims Review Panel. The motion was amended to add "and to represent beneficiaries in their claims relating to Hawaiian Home Lands." Trustee Keale questioned whether the appropriation would allow beneficiaries to sue the state and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL). But Chairman Hee explained that the appropriation is not to create an "adversarial" relationship between beneficiaries and DHHL but to make the agency and the state more "responsive" and expedite the process. The motion was passed unanimously. A press conference with Chairman Hee and Sherry Broder, a member of the Hawai'i Bar Association, followed the action announcing the appropriation. Trustee Aiona moved and Trustee Kanahele seconded a motion to approve an appropriation of $71,710 from special funds to buy furniture for the board room and reception area. According to Trustee Akana, the company chosen offered the lowest bid for the furniture. Four pieces are solid koa wood while the remainder are koa panel, she added. The motion passed 8-1 with Trustee Keale voting against the proposal arguing that the cost was too high. The motion was amended to delete
$1,221 for name plaques. Trustee Aiona moved and Trustee Akana seconded a motion to adopt the "development and preparation of support to justify the establishment of trustee salaries with the contract not to exceed $25,000." The motion, whieh is in response to the legislature's commissioned study, passed unanimously. Another motion, moved by Trustee Aiona and seconded by Trustee Kaulukukui, was unanimously passed to adopt the "Administrative and Financial Manual of Guides, Title 4 — Payments and Receipts, Chapter 2 — Petty Cash." The motion was amended to read "in the case of employees." Another motion unanimously passed was the approval of up to $65,000 from special funds to replace fiscal year 1991-92 money from the land title project. It was moved by Trustee Aiona and seconded by Trustee DeSoto. Trustee Aiona moved and Trustee Akana seconded a motion to establish an education foundation. It passed unanimously. Eeonomie, Development & Land A motion to adopt "Financial Institutions and Organizational Structures" was unanimously approved after being moved by Trustee Hao and seconded by Trustee Akaka. Education & Culture A resolution honoring this year's kupuna and a motion adopting the Ka Ha Mai Nali'i'elua Award for 'Aha Kupuna were moved by Trustee Keale and seconded by Trustee Kanahele. The motion passed unanimously. Legislative Review Trustee DeSoto moved while Trustee Keale seconded a motion concerning an analysis and amendment to Act 221, SLH 1990. It passed unanimously. OHA Relations Resolutions thanking Matson Navigation Co. and Aloha Airlines for help and financial contributions for the OHAfloat in the Aloha Week Parade were moved by Trustee Kanahele and seconded by Trustee Akaka. They passed unanimously. Announcements Chairman Hee announced that Kupuna Mary Ann Aki Kalama will be the 1992 kupuna honoree. Trustee DeSoto moved and Trustee Kaulukukui seconded a resolution acknowledging and congratulating Gary W. Rodrigues. Executive Session Following the executive session, the board unanimously passed a motion extending to Chairman Hee a vote of confidence.