Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 12, 1 December 1991 — Scholarships available to Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

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Scholarships available to Hawaiians

The Education Division of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs receives numerous inquiries on scholarship and financial aid assistance eaeh month. The following is a list of the most eommon scholarships for Hawaiian college students. Note that several scholarships on the list are for Hawai'i state residents only. This is not a comprehensive list. Other funding categories are available to students. Refer to the Hawai'i State Department of Education Bulletin #15, "Scholarship and Financial Aid for Advanced Training Available to Residents of the State of Hawai'i." This is an excellent source of information. Bulletin #15 may be reviewed through high school guidance couselors, college financial aid offices, or the Hawai'i State Library Reference Section. SchoIarships/Financial Aid Resources Abraham Pi'ianai'a Graduate Scholarship ($1,000) Contact: Dr. Kiyoshi Ikeda, Department of Sociology, Porteus 247, 2424 Maile Way, U.H. Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 96822. Eligibility: Must be Hawaiian/part-Hawaiian; accepted to the UH Manoa majoring in Hawaiian studies; enrolled as a graduate. Deadline is June 15. Blossom Kalama Evans Memorial Scholarship Fund ($400 to $1,000) Contact: Caroline Sharman, Hawai'i Community College Foundation, 222 Merchant Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. Eligibility: Must be a resident of Hawai'i; planning to attend a workshop or class on Hawaiian language, culture or arts; or majoring in Hawaiian Studies or Languages at any accredited college/university in Hawai'i; preference to Hawaiian; enrolled as a junior, senior or graduate majoring in Hawaiian studies. Deadline is March 15. Edith Kanaka'ole Scholarship ($250) Contact: Financial Aids Coordinator, University of Hawai'i-Hilo, Hilo, Hawai'i 967204091. Eligibility: Must retain a GPA of 2.5 and attending the University of Hawai'i-Hilo; must be majoring in Hawaiian studies; enrolled as an undergraduate, junior or senior. Deadline is March 1. Edward Payson & Bernice Pi'ilani Irwin Scholarship Trust Fund ($500 to $1,500) Contact: Frank Jahrling, Trust Division, First Hawaiian Bank, P.O. Box 3200, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96847. Eligibility: Resident of Hawai'i; must be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate. Deadline is May 1. Emma K. Mossman Scholarship ($600) Contact: Annabelle Fong, U.H. Manoa, 2442 Campus Road, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822. Eligibility: Hawaiian and part-Hawaiians pursuing a career in Agriculture or Aquaculture and currently enrolled as an undergraduate. Must be a resident of Hawai'i; academic promise; accepted to UH-Manoa. Deadline is March 2. Hawaiian Civic Club Of Honolulu Scholarship ($250) Contact: Pilialoha Lee Loy, Scholarships Committee, Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, P.O. Box 1513, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96806. Eligibility: Scholastic record; must be of Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian ancestry; enrolled as undergraduate and graduate. Deadline is May 1. Ida M. Pope Memorial Scholarship Contact: Geraldine Johansen, Kamehameha Schools, Post-High Financial Aid, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817. Eligibility: Must be a resident of Hawai'i; Hawaiian female; scholastic record and health; enrolled as undergraduate and graduate. Ka'iulani Home For Girls Trust Scholarship ($200 to $1,800) Contact: Doug Birdsall, Hawai'i Community Foundation, 222 Merchant Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, Llawai'i 96813.

Eligibility: Must be a female resident of Hawai'i of Hawaiian ancestry; must be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate. Deadline is March 1. Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Scholarships (up to $1,000) Contact: Geraldine Johansen, Kamehameha Schools, Post-High Financial Aid, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817. Eligibility: Scholastic record; citizenship; must be a graduate of Kamehameha Schools; enrolled as an undergraduate and graduate. Deadline is March 1. Keppeler Award (range varies) Contact: Annabelle Fong, Financial Aid Office, University of Hawai'i-Manoa, 2442 Campus Road, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822. Eligibility: Must be a resident of Hawai'i; scholastic record; attending or will attend UHManoa; enrolled as an upperclassman or graduate majoring in Hawaiian studies. Deadline is March 2 priority. Marie E. Schleichert Annual College Of Agriculture (range varies) Contact: University of Hawai'i-Hilo, Hilo, Hawai'i 96729-4091. Eligibility: Intent to save the land and sea in and around Hawai'i; Native of Hawai'i; accepted to UH-Hilo, College of Agriculture; preference to Hawaiian or Native American. Undergraduate; no restrictions to field of study. Deadline is March 1. Na Ho'okama A Pauahi Scholarship (range varies) Contact: Kamehameha Schools, Post-High Financial Aid, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817. Eligibility: Must be part-Hawaiian graduate of a high school in the State of Hawai'i scholastic record, attending loeal post-high school institute (voc/tech, community college, 4 year college) and enrolled as an undergraduate. There are no restrictions in major. Deadline is March 1. Na Poki'i Scholarship (range varies) Contact: Claire Pruet, Kamehameha Schools, Post-High Financial Aid, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817. Eligibility: Must be a resident of Hawai'i; academic promise to serve the Hawaiian community for at least 2 years; background in Hawaiian; enrolled as a graduate. Deadline is March 1. Native Hawaiian Higher Education Program Contact: Gail Koki, Kamehameha Schools, Post-High Financial Aid, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817. Eligibility: Must be a resident of Hawai'i; partHawaiian graduate of a high school in the State of Hawai'i (non-Kamehameha); scholastic record; attending loeal post-high school institute (voc/tech, community college, four year college); graduate level must commit to serve the Native Hawaiian community during/after college; enrolled as an undergraduate and graduate. Deadline is March 1. Office of Hawaiian Affairs (range varies) Contact: Education Division, 711 Kapi'olani Boulevard, Suite 500, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. Eligibility: Must be of Hawaiian ancestry; enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited two/four-year degree program or vocational program in an accredited institution; demonstrate academic potential and progress; and, verify that applicant is not a previous recipient of any posthigh financial aid program administered by KS/BE. Deadline is March 1. Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club Scholarship (range varies) Contact: Claire Pruet, Kamehameha Schools, Post-High Financial Aid, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817. Eligibility: Scholastic record; enrolled as an undergraduate and graduate. Deadline is March 15. Public Employees Roundtable (range varies) Contact: P.O. Box 6184, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044.

Eligibility: Preference given to candidates with some work experience in loeal, state or federal government/community service; must have maintained a 3.5 or better GPA; must write a twopage essay, topic changes year to year; must include a written recommendation by an employer from public employment or community service. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for an application. Must be enrolled as an undergraduate/graduate majoring in Public Service. Deadline is mid-May. Thomas E. Cook Memorial Scholarship For The Humanities ($500) Contact: Financial Aids Coordinator, University of Hawai'i-Hilo, Hilo, Hawai'i 967204091. Eligibility: Must be a Big Island resident; possess a strong academic record majoring in Humanities; enrolled as an undergraduate; must be of Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian ancestry. Deadline is March 1. AT&T Bell Laboratory, Engineering Scholarship Program Contact: ESP Administrator, University Relations - Room 1E-213, 101 Crawfords Road, P.O. Box 3030, Homdel, New Jersey 07733-3030. Eligibility: Open to women unrepresentative and minority high school seniors with college acceptance studving computer science, electrical engineering or meehanieal engineering, computer engineering, systems engineering. Details: Scholarship covers full tuition and fees, books, room and board, ten weeks of summer employment, travel expenses and housing arrangements related to summer employment; renewable scholarship based on satisfactory performance. Deadline is Jan. 15. Adolph Van Pelt Foundation, ine. Contact: Fargo Lane, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York 10533. Eligibility: Native Americans pursuing medical, legal, educational or other professional careers; must show proof of ancestry. Details: Must indicate amount of assistance needed, submit two personal references, school transcripts and an essay; must show interest in advancement of Native Americans. Deadline is April 15. American Geological Institute (up to $10,000, renewable) Contact: M.J. Suiter, Minority Geoscience Scholarships, 4220 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22302-1507. Eligibility: Must be a U.S. citizen; a Native Amehean, Black or Hispanic; a geoscience or earth science major currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate; complete applications, including financial profile, an essay, official transcript (high school and college), standardized test scores and three letters of recommendation. Candidates should maintain a GPA of 2.8 or better, 3.0 GPA or better in science and mathematics. Dnadline is Feb. 1. American Institute Of Certified Public Accountants (up to $2,000, renewabie) Contact: Sharon L. Donahue, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036-8775. Eligibility: Minority students majoring in accounting. Deadline is July 1 and Dec. 1. American Institute Of Mining, Metallurgical, And Petroleum Engin., ine. Contact: Women's Auxiliary (WAAME), 345 East 47th Street, 14th Floor, New York, New York 10017. Eligibility: Undergraduates with a preference given to juniors and seniors; engineering majors in: mining, geology, metallurgy, petroleum, mineral science, material science, mining economics and other related fields furthering the interest of the mining industry. Scholarship Loan Fund. After graduation, recipients are expected to repay 50 percent of the aid received. continued page 22


/rom page 16 Association On American Indian Affairs, Ine. (emergency grants) Contact: 245 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1801, New York, New York 10016-8728. EIigibility: Open to Native Americans attending college. Letter including tribal affiliation and name, and phone number of financial aid officer at college is required ; emergency grants from $50 to $300 are available. Association On American Indian Affairs, ine. ($500 to $800) Contact: Adolph Van Pelt Special Fund for Indian Scholarships, 245 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1801, New York, New York 10016-8728. Eligibility: Proof of Native American heritage (at least 25 percent); must be U.S. citizen. Students are chosen on the basis of their applieahon, essay, transcript and two letters of recommendation; a blood quantum requirement is a condition set down by the donor of this scholarship; a grant is renewable for up to four years of support towards any one degree. Scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students. The program is based on financial need and merit. Deadline is June 1. Business and Professional Women's Foundation ($500 to $1,000 for one year) Contact: 2012 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036. Eligibility: Must be U.S. citizen; must have college acceptance and show financial need; scholarships offered in the following categories; women age 25 or older; women age 30 or older; women interested in a health-related career. Deadline is Apnl 15. Digital Equipment Corporation Contact: Kathleen J. White, 2500 West Union

Hills Drive, Phoenix, Arizona 85027. Eligibility: Full-time students entering junior college. Major in computer science or in electrical, meehanieal or industrial engineering maintaining a GPA of 3.0. Deadline: none stated. Write for further information. Edward Mellinger Education Foundation Contact: Box 770, 1025 Broadway, Monmouth, Illinois 61462. Eligibility: General scholarship funding. Applicants must reside in eastern Illinois or western Iowa. Deadline is May 1. Write forcurrent information. Hughes Fellowship Program ($25,000 to $50,000) Contact: Jill Ittner, Corporate Fellowship and Rotation Programs, Hughes Aircraft Co., 7200 Hughes Terrace, P.O. Box 45066 Cl/B168, Los Angeles, California 90045-0066. Eligibility: Must be a U.S. citizen and studying engineering, computer science, physics or mathematics at Hughes approved school. Scholarship is $25,000 to $50,000 to include tuition, parking, books, stipend, thesis preparation, salary, company benefits; 3.0 GPA. Deadline is March 15. Indian Heahh Service Scholarship Branch Contact: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1230 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 100, Public Health Service-Health Resources and Services Administration, Twinbrook Metro Plaza, Indian Health Service, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Eligibility: College or graduate school acceptance required; must maintain minimum academic requirement in health related fields; list of eligible health professions are published annually in the Federal Register. For American Indian and Alaskan Native students only who are interested in health-related courses. Deadline is April for the following year.

International Order Of The King's Daughters and Sons a. Contact: Mrs. Frank Sellew, director, Health Career Development, 514 ColoniaI Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia 23507. Eligibility: Students in all phases of the health care fields as they pertain to human beings who have been accepted by or enrolled in an accredited institution of higher learning are eligible; those in technical or vocational schools are eligible upon entrance; bachelor degree programs must be at least second year students; students must be of Christian background. Submit transcript and resume. Resumesshould be as complete as possible — include personal statistics, educational background, financial statement and a personal statement stating the reason for choosing the field of training and intentions for following through when their education is completed. Deadline is June 1. b. Contact: Mrs. Vernon Parish, director, North American Indian Department, 1916 Rosedale Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana 46227. Eligibility: There are no restrictions to tribal affiliations or Indian blood quantum. The student must personally apply to the Director, a written documentation of Reservation Registration for the student or parent must be furnished. Other documents: itemized budget for school year, a copy of acceptance from college, two letters of recommendation, transcript of grades, statement of goals and address of financial aid office. Deadline for even years is Apnl 1 and for odd years, June 11. The James H. and Minnie M. Edmonds EducationaI Foundation Contact: Shirley Sills, 5015 Frannin Street, Houston, Texas 77004. Eligibility: Open to undergraduates and continued page 23


from page 22 graduate students; must show financial need' must have clear educational goal. Preference given to high school seniors and to Houston area residents; one year renewable awards based on financial need. Deadline is April 15. Native American Education Grant Contact: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Financial Aid for Studies, 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202-1396. Eligiblity: Native Americans, Aleuts and Eskimos - U.S. citizens. Must have completed at least one semester at an accredited institution. Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Contact: United Engineering Center, Room 305, 345 East 47th Street, New York, New York 10017.

Eligibility: Open only to women majoring in engineering. Freshman and re-entry scholarship; sophomore, junior, senior, graduate (lst year Master level) scholarships; U.S. citizen. Deadline is May 15 (freshman and re-entry); February 1 (upperclassmen); postmark and graduate (lst year Master level).