Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 12, 1 December 1991 — Legends of Pele and Maui in two new books [ARTICLE]

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Legends of Pele and Maui in two new books

The Bishop Museum Press announces the release of "Pele: The Fire Goddess" as told by Dietrich Varez and Pua Kanaka'ole Kanahele,and "Maui: The Mischief Maker" as told by Dietrich Varez, edited by Lilikala Kame'eleihiwa. Both are lavishly illustrated with the striking b!ock prints of Dietrich Varez. "Pele: The Fire Goddess" is a captivating story that will delight children as well as adults. Follow Pele as she is taught the secret of fire by a wise unele and eventually is forced by her family to look for a new home. She sets out on a long sea voyage and is led to her new home at Halema'uma'u, on llie island of Hawai'i. At Halema'uma'u, she drearns of a handsome young chief and sends her dearest sister, i li'iaka, to fetch him. But readers soon discover that Pele's love for her sister is equal to a jealousy and impatience that know no bounds. "Maui: The Mischief Maker" also to be enjoyed by children and adults, is based on the Kumulipo, the ancient Hawaiian ancient Hawaiian creation chant that tells how the world and everything in it was made. This authentic version of the myth covers the many exploits of Maui also known as Maui Keiki'eu or rascal child. Dietrich Varez, a native of Berlin, moved to Hawai'i at the age of eight and has been immersed in loeal culture ever since. A pioneering artist and i!lustrator of Hawaiian material, Varez is known for his handsome linocut prints.

Varez illustrated Mary Kawena Pukui's landmark 'Olelo No'eau as well as "The Water of Life," "The Kamapua'a Literature" and other books. He received his bachelor's degree in English in 1962 from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, and his work is steeped in his study of ioeal tradition and history. Pua Kanaka'ole Kanahele is a master

storyteller. A teacher of Hawaiian chant and hula, she comes from a family whose history and traditions have been entwined with Pele for many generations. Both books will retail at $14.95 and are now available at bookstores throughout Hawai'i. The two volume set will be available for 15 percent off, retailing for $25.00.