Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 11, 1 November 1991 — Native Hawaiian speakers sought [ARTICLE]
Native Hawaiian speakers sought
Native Hawaiian speakers are being sought to assist in a project called, "I Ka 'Olelo Ke Ola," or "In the Word There is Life."
The project goal is to record what native speakers believe to be the differences between words that share a similar meaning but are not adequately provided for in a dictionary. The final outcome is to publish a Hawaiian thesaurus. The project, funded in part by the Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program through a federal grant awarded to the Bishop Museum, is being headed by Kalani Akana. A teacher in the
state Department of Education's Hawaiian Language Immersion Program at Waiau Elementary School, Akana is also a lecturer in Hawaiian culture at Leeward Community College's Wai'anae satellite and a Hawaiian chant instructor. He ean be reached at 948-3250.
Interested native speakers on the neighbor islands ean eall the following island coordinators: Kau'i Billups (Hilo) 961-6808; Malani Papa (Kona) 323-2294; Ki'ope Raymond (Maui/Moloka'i/ Lana'i) 242-1244; and Kalani Flores (Kaua'i/Ni'ihau) 338-0029.