Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1991 — Waiʻanae Diet Program's second phase draws to a successful close [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Waiʻanae Diet Program's second phase draws to a successful close

'Ai Pono, E Ola

By Terry Shintani, M.D.

The Wai'anae Diet Program's second phase is not quite over and already we know that it is a success. At this writing, the Wai'anae Diet Program is in its 18th day and was scheduled to end on Oct. 14. The 20

Hawaiians and one non-Hawaiian on the program have been eating only traditional Hawaiian food for this period of time. In this short period, we have reduced the requirement of diabetes medicine (pills in some patients and insu!in in others) in all six participants who were on diabetes medication.

One participant who required 75 units of insulin per day now only requires 15 units. Two other participants, one 60 units and the other 80 units, required insulin before being on the Wai'anae Diet Program and now require no medication. Weight loss has also been dramatic as it has been in the prior Wai'anae Diet Program. Weight loss of up to 22 pounds has already been reported, and contrary to what people think about Hawaiian food, everyone lost a significant amount of weight in just three weeks while eating their fill of traditional Hawaiian meals.

What's even better is the impact that the Wai'anae Diet program is having on others. Already, three of our current participants are speaking before the public about their experiences. Our health education direetor, Joyce 0'Brien, has been asked to do a presehtation about the diet in the Makaha community; Myrtle Mokiao will be going to Kona on Nov. to assist with a presentation to kupunas there; and Mary Vea has been speaking to diabetics regarding the diet and about her experiences. Onē of the participants was actually taken off insulin.

Edward Aikala, an original Wai'anae Diet Program participant who is pure Hawaiian, lost over 150 !bs. and was featured in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. He has also been active in influencing others. He will be presenting his story with me on Nov. 2 at the American Diabetes Association meeting at the Central Union Church (free and open to the public), and at the Hawaiian Civic Clubs convention in Hilo on Nov. 8. A September presentation for the kupuna program in Wai'anae drew such a positive response that I have heard some Kupuna are trying the diet and swapping recipes.

If you want to try the Wai'anae Diet yourself or with friends, make sure that if you have health problems, they be monitored by your doctor, especially those on diabetes and high blood pressure medication. Blood sugars and blood pressures ean drop dramatically starting on the first day. The next thing to do is piek up a copy of the Wai'anae Diet Book of Hawaiian Health (The Wai'anae Diet Manual) whieh is now in its second edition. The booklet is 78 pages and hasan outline of the program, a few basic recipes, and the new edition includes the published results of the program and, by permission, a copy of the article on Aikala. There are simple instructions on how to begin the diet.

Remember that the Wai'anae Diet Program is focused on the Hawaiian diet— it is not just a diet of Hawaiian food. It includes the logical equivalent foods of other cultures so that there is great variety in this diet and you ean eat, for example, brown rice or baked potatoes instead of taro. You ean eat broccoli and cauliflower instead of lu'au. leaf and, for example, you ean eat Japanese seaweed instead of fresh Hawaiian limu. The program's success is due, in part, to many

people. We would like to acknowledge Dr. Alan Chun, Dr. Frederick Dodge, Dr. Cecilia Alailima, and the Wai'anae Diet Program Team of Helen Kanawaliwali 0'Connor, senioradvisor; Midge Eli, community coordinator; and Sheila Beckham, director of the nutrition department at the

Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center. In order to obtain the new edition of the book, send $9.75 to the Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center at 86-260 Farrington Hwy, Wai'anae, HI 96792.

Participants in the Wa'anae Diet 2 join program staff at kickoff pa'ina.

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