Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1991 — Plans made for Sept. 1992 kupuna festival [ARTICLE]
Plans made for Sept. 1992 kupuna festival
Love of hula knows no age limits, and now Oahu's first kupuna hula competition is being planned for Sept. 18 and 19, 1992. The first Kupuna Aloha Hula Festival and Competition will take plaee next year at the Samuel Wilder King Intermediate School in Kane'ohe, O'ahu.
Festival organizer is Mary Lani Akui, director of the kupuna hula group Kupuna Aloha O Lanakila O Kalani. She said the idea eame about when senior citizens she teaches hula to said they wanted their own kupuna hula competition on O'ahu. After all, they said, there are competitions for keiki, teens, and young adults, and a kupuna hula competition eaeh year in Kona, Hawai'i. Akui, an employee of the City and County of Honolulu Kalama Beach Park Hawaiiana Department, has worked out a plan and is inviting
all halau and senior centers in Hawai'i, the mainland and even overseas to participate in the two-day event. Early notice of the competition is being made to give groups time to prepare. Performance categories will be in group kahiko (ancient hula), group auwana (modern hula) and solo auwana categories.
Dancers must be age 55 or older. There must be at least five participants per group. For rules and registration forms, write to Mary Lani Akui at 45204 Kailiwai Pl., Kane'ohe, Hawai'i 96744, or eall (808) 247-3930 and leave a message. Akui is now seeking sponsors and donations to cover expenses and awards. She also welcomes any volunteer assistance in organizing and publicizing the event.