Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 11, 1 November 1991 — Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BOOKS FOR KEIKI — Available through the mail from Native Books — Backbone of the King. Brown Excellent retelling of a 16th century legend about a grandfather, father, and son who are eaeh in turn kahu iwikuamo 'o, backbone to a high chief of Hawai'i. $13. In The Night Still Dark. Young A simple, powerfully illustrated version of the first chapter of the Kumulipo for young readers. $15.
Kawelo : Roving Chief. Thompson & Wozniak The legend of a young chief of Kaua'i who made his name known through mighty dceds and humble acts. $15. Maui Goes Fishing. Williams & Burningham One of the greatest feats of Māui simply told in this colorful tale of fishing wilh his older brothers. $10. Māui anā the Secret of Fire. Tune & Burningham Maui searches and finds, by outsmarting the mud hens, ihe secret of fire. $10. Pele the Fire Goddess. Varez & Kanahele The ancient myth of Pele is retold by kumu hula Pua Kanahele. lllustrated with Varez blockprints. $13. (Varez's Pele and Maui are available as a set for $25.) Māui The Mischief Maker. Varez & Kame' eleihiwa The tales of Māui, keiki 'eu, ffom birth to adulthood told in simple, powerful detail. Varez blockprints. $15.
The Last Princess. Stanley & Stanley The story of Princess Ka'iulani. Beaulifully illustrated aeeouni of the events that impacted her life and death. $16. ineluāe $1.00 for postage, handling, and tax for eaeh book. Books will be mailed wilhin two to three weeks. Pele and Maui will be mailed in December. Mahalo! \ Send payment or P.O. lo: Native Books P.O. Box 37095 Honolulu, HI 96837