Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 11, 1 November 1991 — Hawaiiana cataloged in reference books [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiiana cataloged in reference books

Looking for Hawaiiana books at the library? Try looking through "Basic Hawaiiana" or "Hawaiian Documents," two catalogs containing reference material and documents about Hawai'i. In "Basic Hawaiiana," books are listed under such categories as history, eeonomie development, cookery, and folklore. Books in eaeh category are listed alphabetically by author, eall numbers and brief summaries are also included.

"Hawaii Documents" lists publications of state and county government agencies, and consists of two parts. Part one lists documents alphabetically by department, division, or branch, such as the Department of Agriculture, Kaua'i, County, or judiciary. It gives eall numbers, a brief summary of what the document is about, and tells if the document is on microfiche. Part two indexes eaeh title alphabetically by

author, title, and subject. Thus, one entry in part one ean be listed in part two numerous times. All books and documents listed on both catalogs ean be found at the Hawai'i State Library. The catalogs are located at the reference desk in the Hawai'i and Pacific section.