Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 11, 1 November 1991 — OHA hires trustee aides [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA hires trustee aides

The OHA Board of Trustees has approved the hiring of trustee administrative aides. Eaeh OHA trustee will have one administrative aide to assist them in remaining well informed and allowing trustees to devote more time and attention to issues and concerns of the OHA beneficiaries. They will also assist the trustees in developing policies and programs for the betterment of native Hau/aiiane:

The following are brief biographies on eaeh of the new trustee administrative aides. Rodney M. Oshiro a graduate of Waianae High School and raised in Nanakuli, received a bachelor of science degree from the Church College of Hawaii in Laie. A veteran, he is a retired U.S. Coast Guard Chief Fetty Officer who served as the administrative elinie supervisor of personnel. In that capacity, he brings to his job his administrative experience in personnel management, budgetary analysis, logistics, and research and development. Oshiro is aide to Trustee Kamaki Kanahele.

Gladys Ewalani Rodenhurst is a graduate of Roosevelt High School and received a secretarial science certificate from Honolulu Business College. She started her career as a secretary with the Hawaiian Homes Commission and, after eight years, left to join Mayor Neil Blaisdell's cabinet as a private secretary to the urban renewal coordinator. After 12 years, she joined the staff at

HGEA for 13 years and for the past 10 years has been with the state Legislature. She is aide to Trustee Moses Keale. Germaine Lokana Keliikoa pictures herself as an average Hawaiian person of her generation. Her marriage to Joseph Sr. has enabled the Keliikoas and their six children to live in the Canal Zone, Germany, Louisiana and Okinawa. Keliikoa considers herself a seasoned legislative staffperson having worked for speaker Daniel J. Kihano and Sen. Mike Crozier. She has served as denartment Dresident

of the American Legion Auxiliary, secretary and president of Wailani Community Assn., founder and past president of Waianae Valley Homestead Community Assn. and was a member and past chairperson of the Honolulu Flanning Commission. Presently, she is a member of the Waianae Neighborhood Board #24 (Housing Chairman), a member of the Board of the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, secretary for Herbert K. Pililaau, Unit 12, the American Legion Auxiliary of Nanakuli, secretary for her homestead community. She is aide to Trustee A. Frenchy DeSoto.

Hazel J. Yamada holds two bachelor of arts degrees in journalism and telecommunications and a master of library studies and information science from the University of Hawaii-Manoa. She also studied business administration and music at Lewis & continued page 10

Ke'ala Lee Loy and Malani Papa. Hawaiian Studies District Resource teachers on the island of Hawai'i, recently received masters degrees in education. Both were participants in a master's program with Heritage College, Future Focus based in Toppenish, Wash. The program was designed for neighbor island educators who are unable to attend U.H. Manoa to further their studies. Malani is a graduate of Kamehameha Schools and received a bachelor's degree in Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Hiio. Ke'ala is a Honoka'a High School graduate and also received a bachelor's degree in social sciences at U.H. Hilo.

Trustee Aides

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Clark College in Portland, Ore. She was a Model Cities Project Director in both Wai'anae and Kalihi-Palama, and held adminstrative positions in rhe federal and state-funded Teacher Corps Project and the Concentrated Employment ?rogram. Additionally, she is a paralegal in the fields of real estate, probate and trusts, family law and medicine and is a freelance writer. With this background, she brings a broad range of experience in budgetary analysis, grant applications and funding, legal document analysis and research, personnel management, legislative review as a lobbyist assisting Hawai'i Trucking Association, computer training and literacy, and media experience. She is aide to Trustee Abraham Aiona.

Louis "Buzzy" Agard was born in Honolulu on Feb. 25, 1924. He is married with two children, _ouis III and Lesley. He is a life member of the Kamehameha Schools Alumni. Agard volunteered ior duty with the U.S. Army infantry and was separated from the service in 1946. Since leaving the armed services, he has been self employed. He nas served for seven years with the Lili'uokalani Children's Center Advisory Board and also was a member of the initial OHA reparations committee in 1980. Agard's activities include participation as a member or officer in the Friends of Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, the Aloha Association, the Congress of Hawaiian People, and the Council of Hawaiian Organizations in seeking native solutions. Agard also served as a commissioner on ehe board of the Hawaiian Homes Commission. At present, he is a member of Ka Pakaukau and an officer in Hui Na'auao. He is aide to Trustee Louis Hao.

Kalani English is from Hana, Maui and graduated from Hawai'i Loa College in 1989 with a oachelor of arts degree in Pacific Island Studies. 4e was a grantee from 1989-1991 at the East-West Center, Institute of Culture and Communication. He is a master's degree candidate in Pacific Island Studies at the School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific 5tudies at the University of Hawaii-Manoa. English «s also teaching Hawaiian history at Maui Community College. He is aide to Trustee Moanikeala Akaka.